View Full Version : Well its about time!

Keith M
08-26-2009, 07:40 PM
Ty, Jodi and I will be up on sat for the week. We are staying at treelands, are we still on for sunday? as well as any other fit in times. I'm gona make you work off that genesis, HA,HA! give me a call when you can. Is Matt D up there yet/ I lost my old phone as well as his number.
Later, Keith..............

Ty Sennett
08-27-2009, 06:40 AM
I'll pick you up at Treelands Sunday at 6:00PM. I think Matt is coming up the day you leave. I'll check and see.

Matt D.
08-27-2009, 12:59 PM
Hey Keith, what's up? Plan on being up there for a few weeks starting Sunday the 6th. and will be up until at least the 20th. Give me a call because it sounds like I might catch the tail end of your trip with Jodi, would like to fish with you guys but dinner would work as well. Hope all is well, hit me up 708-309-5778. Don't forget the lucky hat...