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View Full Version : Muskie Report 08-20-09

Jason Sloan
08-20-2009, 09:31 PM
Fished a medium sized lake today under steady rain and a new moon. Baitfish seemed to be everywhere in weeds from 8 to 15 feet. Fished cranks and rubber for the better part of the day and only had one undersized muskie to show for it. Really thought we'd end up with multiple nice fish. Water temps have dropped to the mid-upper 60's in a short period of time. Nights this weekend forcasted to be in the upper 30's. We'll see what this cool down combined with high skies and 70 degree days does to the fishing. Historically, it can be tough, but we've seen some really big fish come post frontal. Best of luck this weekend.


Jeremy Truedson
08-20-2009, 11:08 PM
Thanks for the report! Keep us posted!


Jason Sloan
08-21-2009, 07:46 AM
Hey Jeremy,

Has the fishing picked up over by you guys? Been real up and down over here, hopefully lead to a productive fall. Had fun hanging out with you and Drew over by Cass.

Keep in touch.


Jeremy Truedson
08-24-2009, 03:30 PM
Drew got a nice one trolling the other day but still been pretty slow. Night bite finally starting to go and like you said hopefully leads to a better fall! Keep you posted though!


Kevin Cochran
08-28-2009, 11:38 PM
Craziest thing I have ever seen.... Drew and J-Dawg almost threw down the other night at the access. I will let J fill you in on the details....

Jeremy Truedson
09-10-2009, 06:47 PM
Sorry its been so long since I've been at a computer, Tina, the ex girlfriend took the computer with her when she left.

Kevin, yeah I remember that night and really appreciate the help talking down to Drew and getting him to leave me alone, its bad enough that he stole my girl, now he's trying to steal some spots on the lake. He was the one that was so fired up over nothing, its a bad deal cause we used to be such a good fishing team but now all he wants to do is troll. Now that Tina has moved in with him, its hard to share a boat with him without wanted to bash his head in.

Anyway, Jason it was really cool that other night when you showed us your camera and everything, hope everything is going well with you two, thanks for the reports.