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View Full Version : The Hulcano Experience

Marc Reynolds
08-19-2009, 04:08 AM
This summer provided me with the opportunity to fish with mike for the third time. A buddy and I spent two days on the water with Mike and it was awesome to say the least. I had great luck with mike last summer catching my PB 49.5, and we out did that this summer. I caught my new personal best, 50.25!! It was one of the coolest strikes I have ever seen!!! The fish didn't even know it was hooked. Seeing the big waves and water it was pushing behind my bait and the head shakes and movements of the fish when it hit my bait was something I will never forget.

Like Mike said, conditions in northern Minnesota have been tough this year. We fished right through 'em. I also caught a shorter fish on the first day and we had a couple of other chances. It was a great two days on the water and overall awesome weekend with Hulcano.

Here are a couple of pictures of the fat lady...


