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View Full Version : Musky Report 8/8/09

Mr Musky
08-08-2009, 10:12 PM
Just got back home from a family vacation week in Vilas. We did not put hardcore hours on the water each day but we did bounce around and hit a bunch of different lakes. Water temps ranged from like 65 on some lakes to 69. We ended up boating 4 for the week with my 45" and my wife's 47 1/2" tanker being the big fish for the week which we were both VERY happy about. We did not see many fish at all for the full moon week which was rather dissapointing but with the cool nite's getting down to 42 degrees and high's only reaching 72 (until today) I wasn't expecting them to come unglued. We contacted most of the fish in 10' or less on bucktails. We could not get them to go for us on any other patterns/baits. So all in all at least we salvaged the week with a couple of decent fish. Im sure this week all hell will break loose when we aren't up there. And maybe the leaves will slow down on changing colors allready!! What a weird year. How did the rest of you fair this past weekend/week ?


Mr Musky
08-11-2009, 10:55 AM
I see there has been 32 views, does anybody else have a report? How has the badfish crew been doing? I really enjoyed all the reports and pics that were up last year on here.


Jason Sloan
08-11-2009, 02:12 PM
Hey Craig,

I haven't been out much at all, been on the road for the last 40 or so days, now in editing overdrive to get the tv show up and rolling with the rest of the crew working hard at the day jobs.

Muskies have overall been slow for us in Vilas. Some quality is showing up, though. I'd thought this weekend would've been better with the weather the way it was. Mark landed 2 upper 40" fish on Dawgs, with fishing time cut short due to his bout with a flu bug. I went rowing for walleyes and had minimal success. This warming trend should put the fish on the move and heat up the night bite.