View Full Version : August 7th report 4 fish day

Ty Sennett
08-08-2009, 10:13 AM
We had pretty much the same day as we've been having but we stuck the fish this time. Well, most of them anyway.

I had Jim Anderson out and we started down south for the morning and he boated a 36 incher on a Ghosttail. We boated two other nice fish in the morning on Pacemakers. One was a 41 incher and the other was a 45 incher. After lunch we caught one more big one. We actually caught it twice or netted it twice I should say. We got a 48 incher on a Ghosttail that was in the net then out and then in again. Two time's charm for us. Jim had one other good fish on a Pacemaker that he was a little early on the hookset with. That waas the only aggresive topwater muskie we had. We had some other hits on topwater but not sure what they were. The hardest topwater hit of the day I think was a northern but it was way at the end of the cast so we couldn't tell. We chaulked that one up as northern though because they don't count if you don't see them. We had five others follow up to the boat and go around in figure eights but just didn't quite commit. Two of them nipped at the baits but were short hitters. I don't know who was shaking more after some of the fish, the guy netting the fish or the guy catching the fish. We had a great time. It's nice to have one day where you don't lose most of the fish that hit. I'll try to get some of the pics up now. Here goes.............

Joe Vancora
08-08-2009, 11:17 AM
Nice fish Ty.

Jason L.
08-08-2009, 12:44 PM
Nice feesh!

The clouds in your bros pic are awesome.

Ty Sennett
08-09-2009, 10:09 PM
I forgot, the one with my brother is from two days earlier. Cool pic though.