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View Full Version : Update 8-5-09

Justin Mullins
08-05-2009, 03:15 PM
Hi Everyone

We just got back from our annual Canadian Musky School at LOTW. We had 26 guys and gals from all over the country there. The cooler weather we have had here is the same up there. Usually the water temps are 71-75 this year they were 64-67. We had rain and wind but the muskies were still going. We got 100 for the week with 4 over 50" with biggest being 52" caught by Crash. James Cucco, Tom Pieters also caught 50's with Tom getting 2. We had several fish over 45 and even more over 40. This place will ruin you for sure. Now for the report on Cave Run

Fish starting moving actually when we left for the north. Dave O got a nice 50 1/2 on a spinner bait. This fish came out of 2 feet of water. He has been fishing everyday and they have caught fish and seen fish everyday. Usually things start really going strong by the 3rd week of September but this year I think it will start earlier due to the cooler weather. Every year usually at the end of August these fish move in shallow but it's started earlier. Spinner baits are deadly at this time of year fishing super shallow water. The ticket is really early and late unless we catch day that is cloudy or rainy. Water temps everywhere is 76 usually it's at least 80. I really look for a awsome fall this year and with gas prices down things should rock and roll.

The lake is up right now 2 feet due to all the rain in last couple of weeks. IT WILL NOT FLOOD this is just right amount to have out here and these fish will really move in quick to this. If you get out make sure you stop in and good luck fishing!!!