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View Full Version : cc report 8-4

08-04-2009, 03:25 PM
its 4:15 and we just got back. we fished through the hurricane weather today and had an awsome day its just the fish kept short hitting us all day....we must have had 10 incounters to day with them we had 3 on and they got off and 7 follows all in the same general are and we almost had them on the follows to they would come up and either nip the lure or they would turn their head at the last second. I (arron) had one on that was probably a 35-40 inch fish and the other one that my dad had on and i had on too was about a 33 and the rest were mid 30's class fish so all in all it was a good day but they just wont comit for some reason.... we have to work tomorrow but were going to try to get out friday and the weekend so i just hope that this hot bite doesn't end and that we keep getting some more of this kind of weather cuz thats when we have been hooking in to them.