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View Full Version : 8-3-09 report

Brian Jones
08-03-2009, 10:41 PM
All the close calls are getting old. Today I started the day of with a nice musky swinging and just missing my bait. Four minutes later my client Todd has a huge fish snap at his topwater and then come right back and aggressively charge it all the way to the boat. About two hours after that he had a low to mid 40's charge his bait hot and at one moment opened its mouth and looked like it would do the deed. We ended the morning going back to the first spot and I tried to hook a pike for Sam, Todd's six year old to real in. Mission accomplished, pike hooked, Sam reeled it in and then trouble. Todd grabbed the leader or line instead of the fish and the fish went nuts and managed to swing just right and hook him in the middle finger. I grabbed the fish and carefully unhooked it, then cut the hook and sent Todd to the clinic where they numbed his finger and pushed it through...

Second trip of the day was much more relaxed. We battled high West wind and put a first time walleye angler on her first limit of eyes. Water temp was 65-68 degrees today.

08-10-2009, 07:26 PM
Thanks again for putting me and my guest's on the fish! You truly are an amazing fisherman! In addition, we have developed into a very close friends over the many years we have fished together now!
Hopefully I will be back up in September, for the Frank Schneider!

PS. I was hoping that you would've kept my bonehead move just between friends! Damn! That hurt!:) Not the actual hooking! The posting of it here! Ha ha! Anyways, catch that monster you lost and post her pic here!


08-10-2009, 10:25 PM

You're in good company with the hook incident! No, not with me. It's been about 12+ years since I've done that and hopefully never again. Ouch!!! But I've been hearing about a lot of accidents like that his year. Even heard about a bulldawg impaled on someone's head a few weeks ago. Sounds like you were much more fortunate! Accidents like that happen. I know since it happened to me that it has taught me to be much more cautious and has likely saved me from some more serious incidents than happened to me back then.
