View Full Version : Weekly Fishing Report: July 11 - 18, 2009

Justin Gaudry
07-21-2009, 04:43 PM
Well it will be a short report. Wind, wind, wind. Cold, cold, cold. Rain, rain.

A wicked summer cold front moved in and stayed most of the week. Fishing was predictably tough, but it didn't keep anyone from trying to get out there to fish during their week long and shorter trips. A few walleyes were caught on the edges of the weeds and some deeper points. A few muskies were caught in the shallows on the calm sides of islands and protected bays. It was too difficult to hold the boats out on the mid lake stuff for walleyes or muskies.

The water temp got down to 60 degrees and just below after the cool days and cold nights. Full marks to all our guests and anglers for toughing it out and getting out a bit each day despite the weather.

The weather broke finally on Friday and has been better each day since. The fishing has picked up as well. Walleye and muskie reports should be better next week. Walleyes have been a little on the small side since the cold front. Muskies are starting to move around again and a some followers are turning into hitters. Rock structure seems to be the the common thread from most guests.

There was still some fresh mayflies on the surface in Sunday morning in various parts of the lake. That should be pretty much the end of them for the year. We hope.

Keep getting out on the water and mixing it up until you find what is working that day. Patience and perseverance will pay off eventually.

See you at the gas dock!!