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View Full Version : Youth Event

07-18-2009, 08:54 AM
Thanks everyone for helping out with the youth event. WE had close to 75 kids participate and some of the Rec centers were first timers to the event. We also had many parents show up this year which was different. One thing to remember, even with parents tagging along the kids can use help because the parents don't necessarily know which end of the rod to hold. George Wilson and other Parks and Rec employees were very gracious and couldn't thank us enough for holding this event once again. You can imagine what they are going through with all the budget cuts.

Johnny and Bernice did their usual great job and kept the kids in hotdogs with plenty of drink and snacks to go along. Thanks to Tom Rankin for handling picking up the food and helping out at the event. The Wild Ohio Video crew showed up to film for awhile so you may see yourself on TV some Saturday morning. I think Pontoon Mark and Rob had as much fun as the kids fishing and did their best to get kids a catfish to reel in.