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View Full Version : Night Fishing

Red Childress
07-12-2009, 07:18 AM
We are doing our first night fishing gig of the summer later today..........it has been a while since I have fished past 10pm or so. My excitement level is pretty high and it is only 8:15 in the morning.

07-12-2009, 09:13 AM
I always liked getting out there at night and should be doing exactly that this time of year. There's nothing like seeing bait fish glitter in the night while jumping trying to escape some predator and giving me a specific target area. Another thing that is cool is when it's all quiet as a mouse and then all of a sudden you hear or see a huge splash knowing something is on the prowl especially if it's close by it'll make your hair raise on the back of your neck, lol. Good luck !!

07-14-2009, 07:42 AM
I was wondering if you guys leave your headlamps on the whole time you are night fishing? Do you keep the boat lit up inside? Does the light effect the fishing? I'm going to start fishing at night alot more this year and was hoping to get some pointers!

Thanks, Brian

Red Childress
07-14-2009, 07:58 AM
I prefer to keep all lights off in the boat because when my eyes get adjusted to the darkness, it really messes up my vision when I see any light and then start to fish again........(I will even cover up my tiny footpad trolling motor lights so my area is totally dark.)

I just tested the soft glow beads from R/H on Sunday and they worked nicely. We had to charge them about every 20 minutes or so but the nicest thing was being able to reel them right into the rod tip without the fear of damaging the rod for a smooth fig-8 transition each time.

IMO, I would keep your headlamps off until a fish is hooked WHILE CASTING for muskies. I have no scientific data to back me up on that opinion, however.

08-03-2009, 04:32 PM
I have always left mine on when fishing at night ,I did not use a 60 $ lamp either . I found though that fishing the river at night alot can go wrong in total darkness,one reason to keep it on.I have also left them on for pin pointing areas of casting to hit right and knowing you did without wonder.I have also seen them move very shallow at night like a foot even inches . There are lots of opionions on lights with muskies but I think that it could only help considering it draws bait fish in a wide assortment of sizes. The scaring the musky factor of opionion is like if you drift over them and they swim away they are spooked ? I have caught many after I have driven them from a spot by motor or drift only to return in a short time spand as soon as 15 min and catch the fish in the same place .Most of all though I am scared of the dark that does not help. ... just kidden nice thread thanks.