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View Full Version : Mille Lacs update 7/1

Paul Schlagel
07-01-2009, 12:53 PM
Things have warmed quickly in the past week or so. The above-normal temps last week brought the water temps up quickly. At the end of the warm weather the surface temps at the end of a hot day were already 74 - 75. The last few days of cool weather and windy conditions have moderatated that a bit, but I'm still seeing 70-73. The big fish are beginning to show up and it looks like the beginning of the summer pattern will be on time or close to it, unlike last year when it was two or three weeks late. The traditional spots that produce at the beginning of summer period have big fish on them. The last few days have seen a 48 and 51 in the boat and another big one over 50 that came unpinned at boatside. The hot bite and consistent action of the summer pattern isn't here yet, but it's any day now.