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View Full Version : Operation Muskie II, Coverage

Frank Walsh
06-30-2009, 06:45 AM
Mike Winther, in addition to his invaluable help with planning and fund raising with Operation Muskie, is covering the event.

You can follow it here:


Tim Kelly
06-30-2009, 06:47 AM
Looks great already. My thoughts are with you all. Have a great time.

Don't worry Frank, I've had a look at you diary and you've definitely got a window of about 7 hours in August when you can have a snooze. Until then it's 24/7 Frankie!

06-30-2009, 10:13 AM
Great bunch of Vets again this year!What a shame that they are facing the mother of all fronts.Five days straight of unrelenting winds.(one day so bad only the Alaskan ventured out- and nearly went down when a wave rolled over the top taking the top down down and bending the poles.Akin to sinking a cork!)
We just got all the boats out with some guides deciding to troll,some downsizing(Cain has my rattle traps and a bunch of size one and two hooks-plus some 3/8 oz spinnerbaits from Doug J),and others heading for sheltered slop.Despite the probs,I'm betting these guides find some fish.
We are borrowing warm gear,rain gear,whatever to some Vets but a little difficulty with weather is still vacation to these guys.God bless em!
After a few more chores,sounds like uncle Frankie,Brett Miller and I get to head out to 'scout' for a few hours.Yippee!Life is good here!

06-30-2009, 04:54 PM
I was wondering what kind of weather we left behind. Glad to hear it's turning around and the fish are moving.

Best o' luck to all!

Frank Walsh
07-02-2009, 11:07 AM
Be sure to check out John Gillespie's Waters and Woods show to see coverage of the event.


If I'm not mistaken, it may be aired as quickly as this Saturday. Will also be shown on a "The Next Bite" segment later in the year. Will keep you posted as soon as we know something.

As to John's show, pay no attention to the doofus cooking the Johnsonville brats. For once, I have no comment, but the brats were awesome. Big thanks to Johnsonville for the donation.

07-03-2009, 01:26 PM
Glad to hear all went well for OM2! Sorry to hear the weather was rough but I am sure everyone still had a great time. Hats off to the Vets that keep all of us safe and the crew that put this years trip together. Congrats to everyone. Sully

07-04-2009, 01:07 AM
great job by Dick, Frank, and all the guides!

07-04-2009, 11:42 AM
Lambeau, very nice work on the editorial for OM#2. It was great to see all of the pictures of musky's that the vets caught during the trip. Hats off to all the guides, Frank, Laura, Dick and all the others that makes this event happen. You are all truly special people bringing something special to the lives of these heros who greatly deserve it. If I'm not mistaken, one vet said it was the best week of his life. That's what it's all about, makin great memories. I can't wait to see the footage from ( Wisconsin Waters and Woods). As far as I know, it did not air today. John and Big Dave were fishin the Wisconsin river for walleye. They'll probably show it next Saturday while I'm driving into the Angle. That's ok, it's a fair trade off. The Flatlanders will be there in a week, can't wait to get there. To all you vets , thanks again for all you've done. Tim S.

07-04-2009, 03:09 PM
Just went to Muskies First.Great coverage by Lambeau!Thorough guy-right down to dates/times one can view programs or whatever.Seems typical of his modus operandi.
Got to fish with him part of a day and that was fun!Little reckless on the throttle but....:)
Thanks for the auction and coverage lambeau-we hope you come back next year!

Frank Walsh
07-05-2009, 07:06 AM
Here's Brad's articles:



07-06-2009, 07:16 AM
Well the clean up is over and I would like to thank:
1.All the Vets for coming-and their service.
2.All the guides and their fearless leader,Doug J.Super job in tough conditions.
3.All the helpers-Bret Miller(cook,cream can washer,all around ace operator),Pam Best,Jake Larson,Dianna Klein,and my better half,Bets.It doesn't 'happen' without these people.
4.Mike Winther,Pete M and crew,John G and crew and Doug Peerbolt for their assistance and coverage of the event.
5.All our sponsors!!!!!
6.Deb Butler and her family for their boat and hauling efforts.
6.And of course,Frank and Laura.It doesn't even start to happen without them.Words can't express my appreciation of their contribution and hard work.Very hard work.It starts weeks in advance and doubt Laura has slowed down for a minute yet.Thanks you two-after this year many of us now realize fully how hard you work-and appreciate it.
Sure as heck hope I didn't miss anyone but suppose I did-and I appologize in advance if so.
Hope to see you all next August for # 3.:)

07-06-2009, 07:33 AM
Oops forgot to thank this jolly old fellow with the weird hat.Thanks 'Jolly'!!!!

07-06-2009, 10:40 AM
That is a weird hat.

Hats off to all involved!

07-06-2009, 11:12 PM
Great article Brad - thank you for sharing.


07-07-2009, 09:37 PM
Hey Frank, Dick and Crew just wanted to thank you all again for the hospitality last week. I'm sure I can speak for all the vets, it was a great trip, had a lot of fun, it's was greatly appreciated. Looking forward to maybe helping out on future trips. Let me guess the fish went crazy Friday and Saturday after we left? Has it picked up? Good chance we'll be up again mid August, Jim Best is hoping to be back up then, we're going to hook up and see we can do better than last week.

Frank Walsh
07-07-2009, 11:12 PM
Weird hat......weird hat?????? I really took one for the team this time.

Thank you John for the kind words. Fish are still a bit squirrelly. One day a six pack, the next day a goose egg.

07-08-2009, 07:14 AM
'Took one?Took one?' Sorry Jolly you look happy,not upset.No I think you found your new calling-Chef Boy Ar Dee of the Northland.(or Betty Crocker??)


Frank Walsh
07-08-2009, 11:54 AM
What really makes it funny, is that this was made the year I was (allegedly) born.

07-10-2009, 01:42 PM
Thanks for the kind words Dick. It was totally mine and Jim's pleasure to assist again this year. I cannot tell everyone how wonderful it is to give back to our heroes in any way we can, they are totally deserving of our respect and we cannot tell them "thank you" enough. I have to also thank Laura and Frank, my goodness, those two never stop! I need to find out what kind of vitamins Laura takes and get some! Betsie, thank you for being the best nurse ever!
I cannot wait until next year. May God Bless America and our Troops.
Pam Best

Frank Walsh
07-12-2009, 06:18 AM
Ok Pam, you can work very hard again next year for no pay.




07-14-2009, 09:47 AM
As you can see above I'm bout as good as an actor as frank! Just wanted to say thanks to everybody again. Truly a trip of a lifetime. After fishin those waters LOTW will be a yearly destination for some time to come, so frank don't be suprised if i'm callin to check for availibilty! To all that helped or supported OMII thanks from the bottom of my heart!

Muskie Nut
07-14-2009, 02:04 PM
Hey AFchris, are those fighter jets the Air Force have equipped with floats to land on the water?

Maybe the Air Force should deploy a air carrier to the region to patrol the border and protect that fishery from the like of DougJ, Frank (aka Ralph) and Dpear.:D:D:D