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06-27-2009, 04:19 PM
...nope, we were just up fishing at Frank's on LOTW. We're newbies and keep learning from "The Master", but we did enjoy navigating with our new GPS (Lowrance LCX-27C). Thanks to those who weighed in on the internal/external thread. It worked great and Frank was relieved that he didn't have to come look for us. The Lakemaster LOTW/Rainy Lake chip worked well. No, fish of great size to brag about. I had a nice 25 1/2 inch northern on the last afternoon and Bill caught his first muskie-- 40 inches, but it put up a fight and we were quite comical chasing around in the boat trying to net it. Got to thank Andrew H for voting for me in last year's poll "Vote for Cindy". We had good weather and the new cabin was very nice. Thanks again to Frank and Laura. And good fishing to all for the rest of the summer. WE'll BE BACK! Couldn't figure out how to attach thumbnail photos, so Ill send them to Frank if he wants to add them.
Wife of Rasputin

Brent Spence
06-28-2009, 07:40 AM
What were the water temps if you dont mind me asking? We leave for Sabaskong on 7/3. No place like LOTW as far as i'm concerned.

06-28-2009, 11:22 AM
Bill said he didn't pay much attention. Figures the 60's. I water wasn't too bad when I was on the rocks once retrieving a stuck lure. I'd guess mid 60's. We don't have all of the science of fishing down yet. I like to call us "Accidental Fishermen". Sometimes the fish accidentally find us.

06-28-2009, 12:22 PM
Water temps were as low as 68 and as high as 72 most everywhere we traveled in the past week.

06-28-2009, 01:21 PM
Out on the main lake we saw 71 to 73 and the shallow back bay areas were as high as 78.

Lake's warm but no algae and no mayflies.

Muskies went well for us early in the week but after a little thunderstorm all we could manage the rest of the week were follows. Some nice follows though.

Saturday morning's ride back to Morson took us 4 hours. Rained the whole way and the waves beat us up good if I put the boat into warp drive. Visibility was pretty limited.

But I still can't complain about the weather. The entire week was gorgeous.

Thanks Frank and Laura for a great week!

Frank Walsh
07-07-2009, 11:21 PM
I've been way too busy. Here's the movie stars.....