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    So I have caught 2 muskies in a row on a spot before but never 5. Was almost done working a spot when I caught a 35.5inch, so I stayed at the spot and about 4 casts later caught a 33 inch. Repeat... 41 inch, hooked goofy so I cut the hook. Few casts 42 inch. Few casts 33.5 inch. Gill hooked so cut up that bait too. No more of those baits. Wife was not to happy since she got no fish, but hey she got to practice her netting skills. Pretty sure this will never happen to me again in my life. All of these fish came from about a 15 yard spot. Size was not to impressive, but I thought it was very cool to catch that many in a row.

    8-21-13 report, my smallest musky ever 27 inches, squat on the 20th.

    funny story, took wife and kids mountain biking on the camba trails. Daughter afraid of deer flies= cry and scream, son afraid of the hills with rocks. Now the only time you can get away from the deer flies is to go down hill fast, so daughter yelling at my son to go faster. But hey he is scared- so cry and scream. So basically one of them was always crying or screaming. (and so no one thinks I tortured my kids we went about 2 miles only-35minutes...35 minutes to long for my sanity) No longer taking kids mountain biking!!!!

    headed to D+B in the morning for more lures

  2. #2


    Sweet ! I'd be happy for a two fish day, but 5 in a day let alone such a short period of time is amazing. Any lunar/solar events coincide with the feeding window ? What was the hot bait/color ?

    Bummer about the bike trip. I avoid the trails in the heat of summer. I once went out on the Namekagon loop in July and got munched by the deer flies. I now wait until the September cool down before venturing out.

  3. #3


    one day after full moon, before dark trip, bucktails- 2 different kinds because I had to cut one up to safely release the 3rd musky, also cut up the bucktail on the fifth one. blind luck is what I chalk it up to.
    Namekagon is the trail we went to, September sounds like a better idea or maybe even October.

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