Vets just came in for dinner at 5pm.Sounds like a tough morning but good early afternoon.About 8 muskies so far today-hopefully more this evening.We are fortunate to have 2 lady Vets this year.One got her first fish today-a nice pike.The other had quite a day with 3 pike,few smallies and 2 muskies.HAPPY campers!!!Just last nite the same lady was near tears after losing a nice one on a Toppie.What a difference a day makes.We ran out awhile this AM and found a few nice ones.Hopefully the Vets catch them all tonight.Nice muggy evening,hope for a biggie or 2 for the Vets.
Overall a strange time since some are shallow and every day a boat or two is seeing spawning activity-Gillespie captured a pair on video today.On the other hand some are being seen mid lake on 'summer' structure.They are everywhere!We are surrounded,we'll fight our way through somehow!:-)