I am no where near an expert or even knowledgable on the subject. With that being said I don't think water size really means anything. I have an 800 acre lake 20 miles from me here in southern MN that puts out fish to the 57 inch mark. 50 inch fish are caught every week. These are Leech Lake strain fish. I know cuz I have written some checks to have them stocked. As far as forage goes, this lake cotains the normal panfish plus some huge sheephead. The crappie fishing is some of the best around. I think the Wisconsin DNR has hitched their wagons to an inferior strain of fish and doesn't want to take a chance on the Leech lake strain. Right or wrong that is my opinion. I love the Chip. It is my favorite body of water. But I think it can be so much better. The years of 30 inch, let everyone kill a fish mentality really set this lake backwards, along with all of the other lakes in the Hayward area. Its a shame that a 800 acre Minnesota lake can put out more 50 inch fish in one week than the 15000 acre Chip puts out in 2 years. Something wrong. Like I said the Chip is my favorite body of water, so this is not a bash rather a want to get it to where it should be.