On the 13th I had long time clients Jim and Brian Chamberlain out in the morning and it was pretty tough. I had one forty inch fish follow a Ghosttail and that was it. I n the afternoon I had Jim's son in law out Tim. he showed up with a glove on to keep the sun off his hand so right away that's not going to go unnoticed. I told him the glove looked to be SPF sissy to me. Only wearing one glove made things even worse. It was embarrassing for Brian and I to be seen with Tim so we hid in back bays and out in the middle of the lake away from boat traffic.

On the 14th it was really nice out and we didn't see any fish for the first three hours and then at two of the last three spots we caught a 44 incher and a 47 incher. After lunch we fished for crappies for a couple hours and then went in. After dinner I went out with family and we missed one on a Stillwater that seemed pretty big but who knows?

Yesterday I went out in the afternoon and we had a big fish follow a Cowgirl on a main lake spot. That was the only fish we saw that afternoon. I guess we missed the hot bite because the couple I had out the day before caught and lost fish on the same spots a couple hours later. Such is life.

Good luck,