Water temps are falling, I had 54 deg water temps on Duroy and Wilson lake and 59 deg on Long lake over the weeked. We were pulling walleye out of 15 to 25 fow on jig and plastics. We were also pulling out some bonus crappie and large perch. Musky action is picking up with a number of fish being caught on live bait. Fishermen are also catching musky on large plastics and jerk baits.

We have a great supply of musky suckers in the store right now

Bear hunting has been a little slow right now and Bow hunting for deer also seems to be off to a slow start. Grouse hunters have reported low numbers of grouse flushes but as the cover thins a little that should get better as the drumming count was up in the spring. Waterfowl hunters are reporting good numbers of ducks and geese.

Good luck