water temps 57-59,central section has turned vb,west,and portage going thru/finishing.
nice weather projected for the next 2 weeks avg 50-70 daytime 40's nite.
walleyes for the most part are deep 35-50' on hard bottom areas and rock/mud transition areas off basin bars,humps,and points however some good catches made here and there 22-26' and also very shallow in weeds. pm movement to edges of weed flats with good breaks to deep water at 16-18' also. big minnows key.
mike was guiding trout yesterday and at 60' caught 6 walleyes fishing for trout on spoons,moved to 70' and caught trout 8-15#. weird and multiple patterns typical of this time but guests who wanted to all took limits home and had plenty to eat. 4wd shallower lakes are producing very good at 12-18" on weed edges.
bass have and are moving up on bars now 8-20' with excellent avg size 16-20" on large sucker minnows and jigs or lindy rigs.
muskies for the most part are being fished on rock structures but do not over look weeds nor trolling deep and suspended as they are also doing a lot of diff things. some days lots of big fish screaming off structure the next day off deeper edges and either day someone catches one someplace you wouldn't typically target or very shallow so fish a bit of everything till you develop the pattern for the day.
most guests last week were primarily fishing a mixed bag of multi species fishing muskies a day here and day there with a few concentrating on them. the yorkshatts had a 53,48,40 and lots of walleyes and bass,julia 53",tom52" and day of 40+ big bass,gary 50" and one i can't remember but i believe 46",dale 46",maka 46",45",and a bunch of bass to 20",west 46",boirums,42,43,46",dulleas 42,46",zediths 45,42",and walleyes/bass,moratz 49,46",salmo group had 5 fish to 48" and there as always were some close calls and lost big fish and more seen.
pounders,raiders,triple d's both reg and large,gramas,blades all moving fish and theres a good livebait bite going on.
we're excitedly gearing up for the last 3-4 weeks of trophy fishing and near full but got a couple cabins left if you're thinking of making a fall trip. give us a call and we'll have a great time.
till later keep them hooks sharp!!