Our group was in camp fishing from Sat the 13th through Fri 19th. We spent 95% of our time fishing muskie and with 5 guys we landed 10 total. We saw lots of fish on follows, many of which would make multiple turns on a figure 8, but the big ones were not eating. Our largest muskie was 43.5 and the 2 smallest were 38. We raised 10+ that would fit in the large fish range at 48+. Weather, as always, was a factor. We had huge thunder lightning rain storm on Tuesday with high winds on Wed. The water temp dropped faily significantly during that period and turned the fish fairly negative. Then the wind shifted for a day and was coming out of the east vs the west for the rest of the trip. By Friday, the activity was picking back up with our 2 largest fish being taken that day.
We stayed almost exclusively on the rocks and only ventured up to Moore Bay for weed fish (cabbage) a few times. The pattern really seemed to be rocks- points with access to deeper water very nearby, like RIGHT NEAR BY. We did not mess with much shoreline fishing as we were seeing lots of fish on the points, just not eating. As always, the camp was great. Gail, Steve and crew were up to their usual standards in treating guests just right.