Due to several situation and issues that have evolved from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources being shut down, the Professional Musky Tournament Trail (PMTT) has announced the cancellation of the PMTT Cass Lake Tournament on August 12th & 13th, 2011. We apologize for any and all inconveniences that this may have caused to anyone involved with the PMTT. There will not be a make-up date or tournament to replace the canceled event. All entry fees will be refunded in their entirety or can be applied to their Championship fees if applicable.

The PMTT Ranger Boats Championship will still occur as scheduled on September 24th & 25th, 2011 on Alum Creek, OH. A formal letter is being sent to every PMTT team explaining this and detailing how the championship will be held this year due to the cancellation.

For the Championship: Every team that qualified already for the championship will only have to pay the required $250 entry fee into the championship. All PMTT Trail Teams that have not registered a fish yet and are signed up to fish in the Cass Lake tournament can enter the Championship but must pay a full entry fee of $600. Any team that has registered a fish in a qualifier, has fished in only one PMTT tournament and is signed up to fish in the Cass Lake tournament can enter the Championship but must pay a full entry fee of $600. Yes, this means that there could be a few more teams then the 50 team limit that usually applies.

The prize payouts at the PMTT Ranger Boats Championship will NOT be based on the field sizes at the qualifying events this year, but will be guaranteed to be the full amounts, as if there were full fields at all the qualifying events throughout the year.

Do to the unusual circumstances that have occurred this year, we have painstakingly tried to do our best to be as fair as possible to every angler that competes in the PMTT. Though this decision may not agree with everyone, the PMTT schedules are planned out a full year in advance and we did not want to wait until the last minute to make this difficult decision. Again, we apologize for any inconveniences that this may have caused to anyone involved with the PMTT.

For more information, please visit www.promusky.com