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Thread: Fishing gurus, experts, or just hacks like me???

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Seems to me a book in your case would almost write itself.

    Come up with a catchy phrase or two, (I dunno, something like "Let the wind do the work." or "A lure is a tool."), throw in a colorful Oak Island neighbor and presto! Best seller!!

    GO BIG RED!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008


    You know,a book totally about the colorful neighbor might just work!Might have to be a series though-its ongoing and has a life totally of its own.A work of Frankness,not art.

  3. #3


    Back to the topic, i'll be heading to the woods for my 11th year this year and I agree it seems like every year there's a certain hot area for that "week" as thats all the longer we are up. We spend the first couple days checking old areas and searching new but when we find fish we try to capitialize on them by recognizing the key areas they are holding in and then just locating as many of those same elements as possible for that day. If it's a big fish that is located we will come back many times throughout the day and usually get something to go during the majors and minors as we see day in and day out those timeframes have been crucial for our success. But yeah I know what you mean. One year you have them all dialed in close to camp and come back the next hoping to pick up where you left off and it seems the whole area is void of fish no matter what time of day. That's always a bummer!

    Mr Musky
    Last edited by Mr Musky; 05-24-2011 at 09:57 PM. Reason: mispelled word

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    OK,sort of related to this topic I guess.Was asked to find the 'Big Mother' interview.Here's the unedited version.

    For years I had heard about her.Often on the dock at days end,’that Big mother got away’,but heck I’ve heard ‘Big Mother’ stories wherever muskie gals and guys gather.Over the years I’d likely even had a glimpse or two of her but then,last summer on Lake Of The Woods,I had her on briefly in a sad, heart wrenching experience I wrote about last issue.Still pondering that experience,I thought,if only I could talk to her,get an interview,get her side of all these stories,get answers to those key questions I have every time I head out looking for her,answers from her perspective,a look at fishing through her eyes,wow!
    Then I thought,why not?So I put out some feelers and by gosh she granted me an exclusive interview.What follows here are her answers to many of those questions that haunt all of us.Think and enjoy.
    DP: Big Mother,I know you’re about ready to head into that Bay over there to spawn so I appreciate you taking the time to meet me here in this adjacent deep hole and answer some questions before ice out.Do you mind if I address you as ‘BM’?
    BM: That’s fine,ask away.
    DP: BM,I’m a PC guy and know some ladies are sensitive about their weight but I’ve been fishing your kind for a long time,and while I catch(and release)a fair number of muskies,and a few nice ones,frankly I rarely see and never catch any your size-why is that?
    BM: Ha,well that’s a broad question,writing a book?Anyway,let me start out by saying a big reason is you don’t practice what you preach.You preach’ thinking’and do very little of it.You advocate having a plan,yet rarely follow or stick with one yourself.I see you around occasionally but you’re almost always in such a hurry you don’t see me.Heck,most of the time you just drive right by,going only you know where.
    DP: Ouch,is thinking or having a plan the wrong way to go?Can you get into a few specifics here?
    BM: No,thinking and planning is the only way to go-absent blind luck-but you must practice what you preach.You don’t have to make it rocket science either.I hate to sound Al Goreish or like a ‘green’ weinie,but never forget, ‘environment’ means everything to us.We are ectotherms after all.
    DP: Ecto what?
    BM: Ectotherms.Often we are referred to as cold blooded(a misnomer),but really it just means we have no internal system to regulate our temperature and therefore depend on outside(ecto)sources to establish our temperature(therm).We pretty much are what our environment is.If the water is cold,so am I,get it?I think you do,I’ve read your writings on our ‘comfort zones’ and what we like and dislike,yet you really don’t seem to keep the importance of our environment in mind when fishing.I’ve been around a long time,I’ll be 26 in May,and I’ve learned how to deal efficiently in my environment.At my age,I don’t have to struggle and scramble for food,I wait til conditions suit me before I feed.You know pretty much what conditions I like,wouldn’t it make sense to focus on them more?To always consider them?To consider the effects weather and other factors might have on them-and therefore on me?Some conditions cause stress and make me react differently,if you want to find me under stressful conditions,you have to know and understand my environment-and just how I react to change and stress.
    DP: Ah,I get it.Okay lets talk a bit about your environment and conditions that stress you out.What are they?
    BM: Well there are a number of them,natural and man made but a main one is weather.Weather is something you should always consider when looking for me.Before and during your fishing trips.Of course it’s a broad subject-I guess winter and ice conditions are an extreme example of ‘weather’ with profound implications on my location and activity level- but I’d suggest you focus your questions on fishing season issues.
    DP: I agree,well let me go right to the dreaded ‘cold front’ issue.Do cold fronts really have a significant effect on you?
    BM: Ha,a Bozo question,what do you think?I could spend an hour on this but to avoid more stupid questions I’ll just discuss it generally.
    First,as you hopefully know,a cold front is a low pressure system that most often brings with it high humidity,wind,rain,and warm temps.Its ‘change’ but change that’s largely good for me in terms of comfort be it temperature,oxygen,water pressure,PH,light penetration,whatever.This affects prey as well.It almost always is a period of great activity underwater and presents me with a significant feeding opportunity.Never forget,my computer has a chip that contains a genetic program developed over eons of time and through experience that tells me when and where to go to have an advantage over my prey.Sweet huh?Give me a comfortable opportunity to pig out and I’ll be there.Smart fishermen will be also.
    However,whether listening to politicians preach it,or fishermen praise it,never forget that ‘change’ is a two edged sword.The problem isn’t cold fronts,it’s what follows them.High pressure,’high’ skies(increased light penetration)and lower temperatures among other changes, combine to stress me out.When water temp drops,so does mine.Remember though,its not only the drop in temperature,which sometimes isn’t that drastic,it’s the high pressure(air and water)that affects my bladder and therefore my neutral buoyancy-talk about a gas problem!The more drastic the change,the more it affects me.The pressure may actually cause me to change depth ,or it just may make me lie dormant in place, but it’s a serious gas problem.Throw in blinding bright light,a likely PH change caused by the fronts accompanying rain,and you have a situation where my sisters and I aren’t much interested in your feeble presentation efforts.Oh sure,we may have a few young,small, nephews and nieces running around still chasing things,despite their reduced metabolic rates, but usually even they get the word and lay low until they can adapt and conditions improve.Does this help you appreciate the effects of a cold front?
    DP: Indeed.It makes it seem nearly futile to fish after such a front.Is it a waste of time?
    BM: Well its sure tougher fishing and its very unlikely you’ll ever get me but,to be honest,every now and then a sister does get caught in post front conditions.Anticipating some questions,let me give you some general rules and ideas.
    First,there’s no excuse for not being aware of an impending front and taking advantage of the increased activity preceding and during the front.Hate to admit this,but I’m more vulnerable then than any other time.
    Next, don’t automatically assume I’ll go deeper post front.In clearer water I may,but other times I may go shallower to warm up in the sun.
    The more drastic the ‘change’,the more profound and longer the negative effect on me.
    There are areas where the post front effects are minimized.If I’m in such a spot,I just may grab your lure.For instance in areas where there’s significant water movement(I read about your ‘chaos and turmoil’ theories),wouldn’t water temps,oxygen,PH,etc. be ‘mixed’ and therefore change minimized?Ditto on light penetration?Ditto on water pressure?Wouldn’t prey be concentrated?Think Bozo, think.
    If my metabolic rate has slowed,I guarantee I’ll move slower and travel less so think about what this means in terms of your presentation.However,I’m rarely inclined to pass up a free morsel right in my face so….Can you say ‘reduced strike window’?
    Time heals all is an old phrase that holds true.I’ll get more active as time passes and I adapt.Combine that passage of time with other environmental ‘edges’ such as dusk and a surface bait and who knows what I might do?Like most females,I’ve been known to lose control.
    Are you done soon?
    DP: Heck no,I’m just getting started.I’d like to chat about some other conditions that cause you stress-and how you react to them.You said there were a number of natural and man made ones.What about thunder and lightning?Algae growth?Wind?Fishing pressure?I even want to chat about the ‘Cowgirl’ thing a bit-that must cause you some stress.
    BM: Well right now I’m short on time and I have a date in yonder bay but I’ll meet you after spawning IF you agree to leave the Cowgirl type baits and questions at home.
    DP:Wait,wait,wait,what do you mean leave those kinds of baits home,are they causing you that much stress?
    BM: Shut that recorder off,we’re going off record.NOW!
    Well folks,that’s it for now I’m afraid.She was mad and went into a rant about the ‘Cowgirl’ type baits(in fact she fumed about more new ones coming out,Gerry's Girls,Turbines,etc)She was upset about the fact few of us,if anyone,had a clue as to why a number of her sisters had succumbed to them.How she had nearly bit one and on and on.I tried to placate her by saying I understood that they must nearly short circuit her lateral line but that only led to a further rant about how little I(we)knew,how we should know that her swim bladder,like her lateral line,is very sensitive to ‘vibration’ and is also connected to her sensory system and then,suddenly she stopped talking and said” that’s it,I’ve said enough,I’m done talking.”
    She did promise to talk further after spawning so tune in next issue,I’ll get the answers.
    Good fishing!
    Remember:thinking is just being thoughtful.
    copyright DP
    Last edited by dpear; 05-27-2011 at 07:40 AM. Reason: correction

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Wow. Cool interview.

    With the latest Musky Hunter magazine touting the bennies of thermal warming, those south facing sand bays/coves/garages will see lots of pressure this year on LOTW.

    If I were lucky enough to visit LOTW this summer and got hit with post cold front conditions (water temps dropped a few dedgrees or more), I'd be ignoring the sand and looking for DP's favorite BLACK FRAGS.

    Man I miss LOTW.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Thanks J,tough interviews.As you may recall I got a couple more sessions with her although I never did publish the 3rd one yet.(EA went down)Maybe if I ever get to that book but......
    The third was particularly difficult cause her 'Fishbook' friends were also weighing in at times-especially 'Heavy Horse' and 'Big Pig'.Hard to keep up with all the social 'networking'(they hate that word for obvious reasons)going on at the time.Heck I even recorded a 'Fweet' from 'Big Bitch' that mentioned Frankie no less.
    I suppose I could find an unedited version of the second interview to post here but that ones painful cause she belittled me yet called Doug J a 'cutie' and said he 'had a way with women' if memory serves.Will have to ponder that awhile.
    Good fishing this year!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Last edited by dpear; 05-28-2011 at 10:47 AM. Reason: error time

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Well got the cabin closed;boat stored at D&S at the Angle and arrived home last nite.While the season is just starting for many of you,it's over for me.It's been a great one for many reasons-not the least of which is the help and assistance and friendship of our neighbors Frank and Laura.My season never gets off the ground without them.Thanks much you two!
    Thanks also to all of you that engage on this website,its always fun and enjoyable.If you've got the time,I'd consider a quick trip to Franks.Clear water,near zero pressure and I did very well indeed on biggies.
    Second goose season opens in the AM and then my Fall is off and running so won't be here much but good fishing all!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Well, good luck in the fields and trees this fall. Any numbers to throw out there on the summer totals? I'm still holding out hope for a trip to Frank's in October, but time and $ are a premium with only 9 months here in TN before we plan to move back up to NE. After that, you can expect me to around bothering things and complaining about not catching fish a couple times a year. I sure do miss the Northwoods, and the good friends who call the place home, whether year round or just for a week at a time.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008


    You might have fished there.We may have filmed there.Think 'long point' behind the camera and it may help.The flotsam concentration there is pretty simple-lee side of the point.The issue though without the flotsam is which side is the 'lee' side on any given day?Often different than the wind would appear to dictate but flotsam this time of year doesn't lie.:-)
    Frankie and I got in a couple neat 'movements' last nite.In one place the movement carried us UPWIND.Upwind against a very strong wind just before the storm hit.In another,his 36 volt system struggled against the 'movement'.Obviously a strong flow-too strong for them to set up in.
    By the way,the place in the pic kicked out a fat 47 this morning.Naptime.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Henry Stommel.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Henry #1 just giggled at me.
    Henry #2 mumbled something about water conveyor belts.

    so...current moves one way across the surface of a body of water, and may return through deep channels.
    so...find where those deep channel currents run, and especially where they contact deep structure?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Final pages.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Just re-read my comment about Pete and feel I should say I wasn't being critical or snide about his 'people'.He's in the fishing business and his ventures have to make 'sense' and 'cents'.Mine are usually nonsense in both categories.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008


    That background looks like too many different possible flotsam locations to know for sure, but I'm guessing that I've fished it. Could be the other side of the lake more likely, but wishful thinking and ignorance says otherwise.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008


    At least when he said the 'perfection' thing I was the 1st to burst out laughing.
    Good group of people.One of the best post-talk Q&A sessions I've ever had.Think we all learned a bit.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2008


    First part of Article.Pete wisely bailed on the second part.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Since I no longer 'talk' or 'write',I rarely give the musky gurus,pundits and assorted experts opportunities to laugh at my weirdness but here's another opp for them.

    'Flotsam'.Yes,you're reading it right,'flotsam'.If you're into 'water movement'(if you're not,you should be)as key to location,flotsam is an easy read this time of year with dead/decaying weeds and other debris being carried by that movement.Find it and you're close to the 'X'.
    Enough weirdness for one day.Attaching one of my typical lousy pics-one of two big 'flotsam' fish from this morning.Naptime.Good flotting!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Just a heads up.
    Every once in awhile my home chapter of MI,Saint Cloud,is crazy enough to pay me to 'talk' about something weird and because of my connection and friends there I agree,despite being 'retired'.Tomorrow nite is one of those occasions.If you live nearby,like this kind of 'stuff' I rave on about here,stop by,there's no cover charge and I'll be waxing less than eloquently on 'Big Fish Spots'.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Oh and speak he did! He was introduced as "A man who's name is associated with perfection, Mr. Dick Pearson!" It could only get better from there. Seriously, thanks Dick for sharing a few brain cells with us. I'm always able to walk away with some slices of wisdom that I fail to apply properly.

    Now get back home and get going on that book.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Will try post a couple old EA articles on 'Wind',one page at a time.Hopefully keep clicking to enlarge and make readable.Click image for larger version. 

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  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2008


    My seminar is way to broad to try cover or make meaningful in 45-60 minutes so got Frankies permission to post some 'background' info here and direct others to it-material I'll only have time to mention briefly in Chicago.Of course me doing it has turned into a cyber joke so need to get the 'boss' on it.Hopefully in the next few days.
    Anyway,hope to see a few of you illinois boys and girls there.(except Jeff of course).

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2008


    You expect us too believe you remember things from 30 years ago !!!!! Come on
    Hope to see you up in August.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I can't remember my name or your name(related to a former Prez though I think)but I remember about 4,967 reefs in detail that I could hit or catch fish on in about 50 different shield lakes and doubt I ever forgot a good lure.I do remember Carole and even a few of her predecessors though.:-)
    Yup,see ya in August.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Wow,thanks Jerry.Tons of historical data there at least back to 1997.Now if I can figure out how to use it.

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