Hey all,
Sorry to see it end , but ended the season with a bang. Got out earlier yesterday as the day before we were marking fish early and marked fish right until dark. Well , yesterday something changed and hardly marked any fish at all....until about 6:30. Started getting very frustrated as they were all lookers and would not commit . Tried everything from raps , spoons , live bait, jigawhoppers, and an old dried up donut I found in the bottom of the shack. Nothing ......... until I won the golden ticket with a lure I have never caught anything on. Within mintutes I couldn't get my lure back down to the bottom fast enough as they were committing suicide on this thing. All in all I landed I believe 19 walleyes , four of which were keepers and missed numerous others. Lost my 5th keeper for a limit right at the hole and could not fill the limit. Anyways, it was a fast and furious last hour and then they completely vanished before dark. It's gonna be a long wait till next ice season. Now it's time to concentrate on perch and burbot. Later!!!
Oh yeah, forgot to mention what the golden ticket was I was using.........
..............................A Chrartruese Orange Tiger ICE DARTER..... you know , the ones that the Lee Boys from Rapid make. I knew I bought a bunch of those for a reason. Thanks Boys!!!