I have to say that I'm haunted by that big Muskie Chad landed last year on Kinkaid. There was also that afternoon Scott and I trolled out by the dam and brought a beast out of the depths only to see a tail dance 30 yards behind the boat and a 15" grandma getting tossed back to us... and the day Team Zebco boated that 48 early and we finished the day with a 46 1/2. The good times continue, but we didn't see anything that big yesterday. I fished with the pastor at my church and his good friend a retired delta. We had a good positive vibe all day and brought a couple of fish to the boat between 12:30 and 1:30. This 35" woke us up - (my appologies for the disgusting grip and grin)

This is Joel with his first muskie - I like that big smile.