Well when you think fall is coming mother nature throws a another curve ball at us. It's hard to believe it was cooler 2 weeks ago than now..

The fish are still moving all over the lake from one end to other. With the day time temps rising the last couple of days the window is from daylight to about 9am and after that nothing until late evening.. Over the weekend I wound up with 3 all together nothing big mid 30's 2 on cowgirls, and one on a spinner bait. All of them was shallow 2 foot! I have been getting a little topwater action to which is exiciting should be really good when things cool down some. The water temp has came up just a degree or two to mid 70's mid day but around 73 early morning. There was several fish moved and caught on the flats this weekend I noticed a lot of boats out there it has been loaded for over 2 weeks now. Cowgirls, Spinner baits, Medussa, Topwater, Slowie all have moved fish for me this weekend. Big fish have moved into the spots from the coves to the main lake weeds you have to really watch the bigger fish are coming in a little deeper on the 8's but come up after a couple of turns..

Good luck this week if you get out make sure you stop in ..

See you on the pond..