Quote Originally Posted by JimL View Post
Let us know how you do. I am interested in staying on that lake and want to know how the fishing is. Thanks.
Jim, we got back last night from St. Germain and didn't have too much luck on Lost Lake. The entire story-we arrived Thursday afternoon and noticed standing water in quite a few places. We were told by locals that it rained all day Wednesday. We put the boat in Lost Lake and fished for a couple of hours using jigs and minnows (from Ray's) hoping to catch some crappies or perch for a shore supper (we rented a cabin on the south end of the lake). We had some bites but they appeared to be very small fish. We then went to supper at the Pub & Prime (highly recommend their prime rib it is delicious). Friday it rained/misted very heavily almost all day. We did go out for 4 hours and caught a small northern in Ed Gabes bay and a small perch near the rock pile. Saturday looked to be great but it was windy in the morning and the wind blew my small boat (16' Lund WC) all over the place. Saturday afternoon the wind subsided a little and we caught some nice pike and bass in sunset bay using mepps musky killers with black skirts and silver blades. The lake appeared to either be in the process of turnover or it was experiencing an algea bloom. The weeds are so bad on Lost Lake that you almost have to use some type of top lure/bait to avoid getting caught in the weeds all the time. I hope you have better luck than we did. I did enjoy getting to spend the time with my aging Dad but wished the fishing/weather had been better. I think next year we will try another lake out, perhaps Trout, I have heard good things about it. Good luck and let me know how you do. OBTW, if you like to eat fish we went to Pitlik's Sandy Beach and Resort on Friday night and their fish and bloody mary's are incredible. Regards, Randy Price