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Thread: The Spirit of This Site

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default The Spirit of This Site

    I'm a man of few words until I feel compelled to say something. In all honesty, I don't have anything to report to your site in terms if fishing results. It's because I can only afford to travel to your great fishery once per year. In the past, what I have been able to do is visit this site and see the spirit of information being sharing among the local fishermen. On any given day, I knew that there would be information or videos on the site related to someone's fishing successes. It was my 'quick fix' while sitting at my desk in Corporate America. It always gave me something to look forward to in October of each year.

    In 2009, the site took on a contentious feel. Views and opinions became strong and divisive and no longer focused on the spirit of fishing. The site became a platform for political views and opinions on several issues whether it was illegal netting or how DNR funding was being utilized improperly. It's clear the impact of the comments had a devastating effect as I'm sure that most of you know or know of one another. In the end, the site was mortally wounded.

    Through it all, the site and the wonderful people that literally breathe life into it just stopped posting. They probably felt that it wasn't worth it anymore. Ken and Kevin Lee as well as many others have made the decision to not post information to the site anymore. They weren't getting out of it what they needed... appreciation. Site communications are meant to be reciprocal in the sense that people put information out that helps us become better fishermen and in return, they receive positive feedback and an occasional note of thanks. It's about acknowledgement. The Bait Shop Guy has done a lot in attempting to keep the site focused on what's important, the great resources available at LBDN and the quality of fishing that awaits everyone.

    In 2010, the site for the most part has died. It has become a venue that is nearly exlclusive to buying and selling fishing equipment/goods. The number of post have dropped significantly and so has the number of views. It's an indication that the majority of people are not getting what they need from the site. And I'll be honest, I really miss reading about each of you and your adventures on the waters.

    If you find it to be possible in your hearts, come back. Set the standard and give this thing another try. Post info once again and everyone in turn share info (not views or opinions which almost always divides us). Moving forward, as it relates to this site, be one thing; fishers of men...nothing else.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Affirmation

    A concise and accurate post.
    I myself enjoy reading fishing posts with whatever info they may contain.
    We still see a few, not enough in my opinion
    I am not the most comfortable with overly critical posts or replies to posts.
    Share your passion for this crazy endeavor!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default I'll agree, but with one caveat..


    I, too, am much like you in the fact that I am not a local fisherman or even a UP resident. I also visit this board to read the stories, watch the videos, share a laugh and trade knowledge with some of the great people and fishermen of the Bay de Noc area. While I will agree with your assessment of the lack of "fishing reports," I think it's important you and I realize the potentially detrimental ongoings of the last few years in this area and throughout Michigan. Some of these things may interest you, some of them may not; the importance is in getting the information and forming our own opinions.

    Possibly the most major issue has been the occurances of illegal netting in Bay de Noc waters. Yes, I realize that this is a depressing subject and it does get old at times. The re-hash of opinions grinds on me. The one thing I do appreciate is the information. The recent delay of the court hearings did not make the Grand Rapids Press, therefore I have to depend on my fellow fishermen to provide me with the information on the situation. Do I care what happens to those accused? Yes. Why? Because, just as I check this forum for the "cheer me up" moments, a part of me never really leaves Little Bay de Noc and I want to see what lawmakers, judges and voters feel is the right remedy for the area.

    As for the political issues, again I must point at the value of information. This forum has seen posts from those affiliated with the DNRE, the US Fish & Wildlife, and even State Legislators. The issues have related to Asian Carp, walleye slot limits, plantings, etc. Why is all of this important? It's about allocating the limited resources (tax dollars, manpower, human knowledge) we have to ensure the best possible outcomes. Again, it goes back to caring about what happens to Bays de Noc, whether we're trolling Ford River or trading Ford stock.

    The last thing I need to say is that I really do agree with what you're saying. We have seen a large drop in the number of participants and viewers on this forum. I also agree that the fishing reports have been lacking in the last while. Opinions are like... well, you know the rest, but the information shared regardless of topic, does have value.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Northville, MI


    I'm sitting in an office in Washington DC wishing I was at Bay de Noc. I read this forum once a week or so because it helps get me through the work week.

    I'm also guilty of not posting often. So here's a post that I should have made at Memorial Day this year.

    I brought my 88 year-old father-in-law to Big Bay de Noc to fish the bass opener this year. On Friday, my two brothers-in-law and I caught several bass (all released) and my father-in-law hooked a few, but didn't get them in the boat. On Saturday morning, we all caught fish but my father-in-law who was skunked again. He was too tired to go out with us on Saturday afternoon.

    On Sunday morning, I put the boat on top of a gravel bar in 2-3 feet of water. Several spawning beds could be seen - with bass protecting the beds. It was a tough day for artificial lures, so I dropped a nightcrawler right into the spawning bed. I saw the bass take the worm and remain in place, protecting the eggs/young. I released the bail on my spinning reel, had my father-in-law reel in his line and gave him my rod. I told him to reel in the slack, set the hook and bring it in. He followed instructions exactly - but the line was caught beneath a rock! I wasn't giving up. This man landed on Normandy D-Day plus six days and hadn't caught a decent fish in decades. I took off my shoes and socks, emptied my pockets and waded out. I freed the line and the fight was on. I got back in the boat, one son had the camera and the other the net. Right at the boat the line snapped. Several f-bombs were heard in the far north end of Ogantz Bay at that moment.

    The story has a happy ending. We repeated the process without the snag and did land that bass - an 18-incher. I removed both hooks before releasing it back to the nest.

    Father-in-law had bragging rights that weekend with a 20-incher later that morning. Last I checked with my father-in-law's buddies, that bass is now 25 inches long.

    All bass caught that weekend were released.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    this is my first reply myself , Cris would always post our pics and info , I and a friend will be making our 3rd trip in oct. it was this site that lured us to LBD, we always went to n. wisc. and we were saying the samething about 2 weeks ago about this site. We met alot of great people up there and really enjoy fishing up there, if you go back a few post's one guy tells where and how the fishing was then he was bashed,only thing i want to get accross on my point is don't stop going up there because of this site,keep going for the love of the sport and the great people and restuarants, I'll see you in Oct.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Agreement

    I too, agree with you Ahab. I just feel that if they were set up as separate forums and at that point, we refer individuals to the specific content, I feel that is where it's best served...less confusion. We're keeping the lanes clear and not merging multiple issues within one thread.

    Everyone have a great weekend!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Garden Peninsula


    Ok...Now where are all the perch in Little Bay? Fishing for perch in Big Bay has been really slow since this Spring. I know they are around, but to find them on this big body of water is like finding a needle in a haystack.

    Good fishing to all

    When Hell freezes over, I'll ice fish that too!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009



    Give Chris a call or stop by the bait shop and see him. He's given me some tips on the perch (I haven't been able to take advantage because of boat limitations, though).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009


    ...getting back to this thread, I can't say I blame good people for not posting their reports anymore. The precious few that do get beat over the head by others here like they've disclosed a secret buried-treasure pirate map or something.

    In short, there are LOTS of takers here...and the few givers are given "the treatment" when they do give something back.

    That culture has to change here--one way or the other.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Freedom, WI


    I agree that the feel of the site changed last year with all the talk of the netting, people complaining about poor fishing, etc. I only fish the bay in the fall so I seldom post other than then, but I do occasionally drop in to read throughout the year. I remember last fall putting up a very detailed report of my first trip, way more detailed than I normally do. I tend to fish away from other boats and like to keep it that way, thus the lack of detail. However with that post I felt the need to post something positive because I was sensing the change too.

    From the couple of times I've been here recently I think the site is getting back towards normal, even without a few of the former regulars.(We miss you guys!!) I sincerely hope that it will continue to be the best site for exchanging info. on the bays and thanks to Chris for posting as often as you do and keeping us up to date on both the fishing and non-fishing issues.

    As for the fishing, last Novemeber was one of the best years I've had for numbers and size on walleyes in the 20 or so years I've been fishing Little Bay......despite all the netting.

  11. #11


    Thanks for the comments, guys. I know I haven't been posting as much as normal this season. I haven't been fishing as much as usual this summer. Unless I do something new or see something unusual on the water, I haven't been bothering to report. I now know a lot of people enjoy reading even basic reports. I guess reporting on a "ho-hum" fishing trip, with pictures of "average" fish, is better than no report at all. I'll try to change that.

    Good luck out there.

    Bay View Bait and Tackle Everything you need to fish the Bays de Noc.
    Friendly, knowledgeable staff. Best minnow counts on the bay.
    Voted best bait shop on Little Bay de Noc
    current hours - Every day 7 to 5

    Bay View Motel A great place to stay near the bay. Give them a call for room rates and availability http://www.bayview-motel.com

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    dont get all bent out of shape'' N2danight'',try going to the winabago site and see the info you get there,or lake link or any other.far as im concerned,they dont give it to me when i fish there lakes

  13. #13


    I cant say what the site used to be like, but I do enjoy most of the posts I read here and find this to be a great forum. There are some good posts out here semi-regularly, and good answers to dumb questions (my dumb questions that is).

    I guess i've learned to expect some negativity from any forum and try not to get sucked into it.

    I'll try to post what I can from my outings, although I get out less than I would like due to other time constraints. I plan to fish bay de noc more this fall and will try to bring a story from each outing. (hopefully stories filled with fun on the water, full moons, rafts of geese and most importantly.... BIG FISH).

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