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Thread: The Human Bucktail, the Human Worm, and a story of a 40#+ Musky

  1. #1

    Default The Human Bucktail, the Human Worm, and a story of a 40#+ Musky

    Hi everyone,

    Kick back and relax, and enjoy these two stories. They are true, but one has nothing to do with the other.

    First, the Human Bucktail.

    I had dropped my boat in at the "CC" North landing early, and had to wait for JRN and his brother to arrive. I decided to sit in my boat and wait since it was very pleasant temp. wise. I watched as several other boats had dumped in and the fisherman blast off to catch the elusive Musky for the Musky festival.

    You could see the excitement and anticipation in thier eyes as they sped off. Than something strange happened. A pickup pulling a big ol boat with a 225HP motor came ambling down the drive slowly. They were in no hurry like all the other people. Finally they back up to the launch, and exited thier vehicle to unstrap the boat.

    The driver had a skin tight black shirt and pants on. he had tin foil wrapped around the biceps of his arms, tin foil wrapped around his waist, and a skirt that looked like it was fashioned from buck skin. At first I thought it was a pair of leggins, but no, it was wrapped around his waist and slit in front and back from his waist to the ground.

    The other guy had Skin tight white shirt and pants on and after they launched thier boat, put a huge hook fashioned from tinfoil, into the back of his shirt.

    Finally I had to ask. I looked at them and said "ok, I know there is a story behind this." the man in black looked and with a big smile on his face said "We lost the bet." As I was laughing, he explained he was a Human Bucktail. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Nueces bay had just launched his boat and was on the other side of the dock, and I could see him laughing hard. I asked what in the world was the other guy? "Oh, he's a Human Worm."

    That was it. I laughed so hard, the tears were running down my face. I have to admit, the last thing I thought I would ever see in this world, is a human Bucktail and a Human worm on a hook. You can take me now lord, I've seen it all!

    If those two guys ever read this post, I want to say thank you. You made an old man's day. Life isn't always so serious, and when you can laugh at your self, than you've earned my respect. I've posted several times that respect is earned-not given. Those two guys lost a bet, and they MANNED UP. And they did it with gusto. For that, they have earned my respect. If you two ever see this, could you post, or email me a picture. That would be a great thing to share with everyone. Again THANKS for the good laugh. Oh, and I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing with you.....Yea right.

    The second story involves a father -son team. They are two of the best fishermen on the lake, and go by screen names of Blueberry, and Fishing Machine. The young man who goes by Fishing Machine is aptly named. I think he is 16 by now. Kids grow so fast, It's hard for me to keep up. the young man fishes all year around and has caught all kinds of different species of fish. From huge lake trout thru the ice to huge Northerns.But he has never caught a Chippewa Flowage Musky.

    As JRN, his brother Joel, and I were drifting along slowly jigging for Walleyes, a boat came up to us, and I recognized Blueberry and Fishing Machine. They were both shaking and excited. Seems Fishing Machine had a big Musky on. "How big? I asked Now they were both shaking and were thinking about that. They showed us thier landing net, which is huge, and said it was to small. It is a musky net, and "to small?" Wow. Fishing Machine informed us that he had the musky up to the boat "5" times, and every time they were unable to land it. He said on the 5th time, the Musky came to the surface and just hung there. He couldn't move it at all to lead it to the net. then after all that time, they watched the hooks pop out, and the biggest musky either of them had ever seen, sink slowly out of sight. After a lot of thought, they figure the Musky was around the 55" mark, and well over 40#. Blueberry told us the girth of the Musky was huge.

    Now, most guys would sulk, and be madder than heck. but not fishing Machine. he was to excited to be mad. "I've never caught a Chippewa Flowage musky." He said. I asked what they were going to do now. With a big smile and a lot of enthusiasim, "go try to catch one." With that they zoomed off. Now there's a lesson for all of us.

    I hope I didn't bore you with these stories, but they are true. And I want to thank Blueberry and Fishing Machine. now we all know there is a 40# monster swimming around the Chippewa Flowage just waiting to be caught. I hope Fishing Machine does just that.

    Tom Christianson
    Professional Fishing Guide

    Author The Walleyemaxx Systemhttp://www.walleyemaxx.com/pages/the...ystem-book.php.
    Web Site: http://www.walleyemaxx.com/
    E-Mail: walleyemaxx@yahoo.com
    Cell Phone: 715-617-0894
    Land line 715-945-2138-Radisson
    Tackle manufacture "American Traditions Fishing Tackle CO.LLC.www.americantraditionsfishingtackle.com.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I ran into the human bucktail and human worm again later in the day back in Dorazio Bay. They were dressed in normal attire and said "See we do dress normal." I laughed again and said what happened to your other outfits. They informed me they boated a musky and were off the hook for wearing the "lure suits". Damn funny stuff, and im glad that I witnessed it with you.

  3. #3

    Default I agree

    I agree nueces bay,

    that was good stuff. I just wish I would have takeb a picture, but I had so many tears running down my face from laughing so hard, I probably wouldn't have been able to. Those two really played the part. I still laugh when I think about it.

    Tom Christianson
    Professional Fishing Guide

    Author The Walleyemaxx Systemhttp://www.walleyemaxx.com/pages/the...ystem-book.php.
    Web Site: http://www.walleyemaxx.com/
    E-Mail: walleyemaxx@yahoo.com
    Cell Phone: 715-617-0894
    Land line 715-945-2138-Radisson
    Tackle manufacture "American Traditions Fishing Tackle CO.LLC.www.americantraditionsfishingtackle.com.

  4. #4


    That Musky I lost last week was a fish of a life time. I now truely believe in bull dogs. Went out musky fishing last night and had another one hit a bulldog. This one was only around 45'' but still alot of fun. Didnt get that one in either.

  5. #5

    Default you'll get em

    Hi Fishing Machine,

    I have no doubt that you'll catch that big beast. When you do, I want to see many pictures of it. I know how hard you work at it, and your hard work will be rewarded.

    Tom Christianson
    Professional Fishing Guide

    Author The Walleyemaxx Systemhttp://www.walleyemaxx.com/pages/the...ystem-book.php.
    Web Site: http://www.walleyemaxx.com/
    E-Mail: walleyemaxx@yahoo.com
    Cell Phone: 715-617-0894
    Land line 715-945-2138-Radisson
    Tackle manufacture "American Traditions Fishing Tackle CO.LLC.www.americantraditionsfishingtackle.com.

  6. #6


    Ya i sure hope so. But even seeing the fish again would excite me. Its the best feeling ever knowing that you tricked a fish of that size into biting your lure. You know your doing something right when youve tricked a fish of that size and that age into biting.

  7. #7

    Default Keep plugging away.

    I know you'll be catching lots of muskies F.M. I hope you'll be sending me pictures of them. Hope to be seeing you and your dad on the Big Chip next week. I can't make it this weekend due to prior commitments.

    Tom Christianson
    Professional Fishing Guide

    Author The Walleyemaxx Systemhttp://www.walleyemaxx.com/pages/the...ystem-book.php.
    Web Site: http://www.walleyemaxx.com/
    E-Mail: walleyemaxx@yahoo.com
    Cell Phone: 715-617-0894
    Land line 715-945-2138-Radisson
    Tackle manufacture "American Traditions Fishing Tackle CO.LLC.www.americantraditionsfishingtackle.com.

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