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Thread: Ford River Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Ford River Questions

    Hey Guys,
    Going to try the Ford River launch for the first time tonight. Going in my buddy's 16 foot boat. Anything we should know about heading out from there?
    Does that area of flats around Fishery point hold fish this time of year?
    Where would you recommend trying for walleyes first?

  2. #2


    Well, in my opinion, the Ford isn’t very bad at all to get out of this year. However, I’m not going to tell you there is nothing to worry about either, because there always is. The rocks in the river are pretty much deep enough to go right over with a 16 footer. There is one that would worry me if I had a 21 foot Ranger or something, but you should be alright. I too use a 16 footer. The few issues that there are pretty much come in out on the sand bar just out from the mouth of the river. I pretty much just head straight up the middle, which means when you’re at the old dock, head towards Min. shoal light out on the horizon. If you get too far to one side, be prepared to jump out and push to get un-stuck. I know I make it sound bad, but really, the same stuff applied last year, just too somewhat less of an extreme.

    As for Breezy Point, yes, I’m sure there are lots of fish there this time of year. The only problem is that I wouldn’t expect much action until after dark unless we get a hard, driving wind from the southeast for a while to muddy up that water. Last year I was catching fish there from opening day all the way through July, but not until well after dark in most cases. Also, the fish tend to run small at breezy. If you are a person that likes 15 inchers to eat, that should be perfect. But if you want bigger fish, you should probably head south.

    As far as where I recommend, feel free to check out my last report, “Unbelievable @ Ford” this should clue you in pretty well as to where I like to fish.

    Best of luck to ya! I hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Thanks!

    Thanks for the info and the advice Walligator. Wind seems pretty much south right now, will the fish turn on with those conditions or should it be more east.

  4. #4


    Well, I’m no expert on the subject, and there are a lot of people out there that could answer this question better than me. However, from my experience, it seems like any wind that pounds that shore line with some kind of surf helps, you know, waves that break and whitecap in the shallow water. This dirties up the water, breaks up the light penetration from the sun, and stirs up the bugs and whatnot that the walleye’s forage like to eat, which, intern, makes the walleyes active – I think?

    For this to happen, you need two things, the wind needs to be coming from the right direction, and it needs to be strong enough. As for direction, anything from straight south, to straight east will help. As far as speed goes, it seems like the stronger, the better. Of course, you really can’t fish in 40 mph wind and the 10 foot seas that result from it, but you can fish right after it is done blowing while the water is still dirty.

    When we did well the other night from my report, the wind was southeast at around 10mph, and the bigger of the rollers were around 4 feet. We were trolling in the shallow water in by shore and, while it was still daylight anyway, the boards that were the closest to the shallow, breaking surf were the ones that usually got hit. They were probably in about 7 FOW, but within 20 yards of one FOW and breaking waves. The sky was also overcast, so that probably helped too.

    I am really no good at predicting what the fish will do yet as I have only been walleye fishing for about three years. I went out last night again with a couple of guys in the same place and expected about the same results, but we never even got a bite until after dark. We still ended up doing very well, but it just goes to show that I can’t predict the future.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Talking ford river mouth

    i am trying to get the mouth of the ford river dredged and break walls constructed on each side of the mouth to keep it from filling in.this is a challenge to get done. i have spoken to the army corp of engineers, the dnre and state and federal reps. these wheels turn slow but they are turning. i explained what a navigation hazard this is and have ford river township support.
    permission and funding take a little more time. but it is being looked at.
    be patient.

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