Well the 2010 fishing season has begun

My good buddy Russ and I were out today on the Chain for our 1st spring Crappie outing, Things started slow but ended up with a flurry. Both of us took a limit of 25 and probally threw back another dozen each. The majority of the Crappies were in the 9" to 10" range, with several in the 12" inch range; (1) at 14" and (1) at 16" (I got the biggest; sorry Russ).
All in I would say we caught some 75 Crappies. Only 3 of the fish we caught were females. A few warm days and they should begin to move in.

We even caught a few bonus fish. I went 2 for 3 on the LMB and Russ had a 4to 5 lb cat on for a bit until the fish decided to make the metal shore station home and broke him off.

Water temps were anywhere form 42.5 to 46.5