Hi A. Kempka,

Reasons I use mono over flurocarbon is
#1- flurocarbon is to stiff. It does not allow your baits to work the way they were designed. The flexibility of mono does. even the super braids have more flexibility.
#2 When drifting, trolling, or casting baits, the diameter of the line does not really mean any thing. The fish react to a fast moving bait.
#3 This is an important reason. When drifting, trolling, or casting baits, the stretch of mono is actually a good thing. Your flurocarbon, and the super braids do not stretch. They are very unforgiving. Set the hook with them and you stand to pull the hooks right out of the fishes mouth. the stretch of mono allows you to set the hook without danger of that. Play the fish right and you won't loose many fish either.
#4 This may sound weird, but I have heard of guys breaking their rods when they forgot that you shouldn't set the hook. It's drilled into us to set the hook.
#5- Maybe the best reason is the cost. mono is so much cheaper than he other lines. I have always had good performance with the brand of mono that I use, that I don't even consider using the expensive lines.
When I guide, I like to keep things simple. Mono is just that, simple.
Hope this makes some sense. Any more questions, just ask.
