I'm sure everyone is sick to death with this weather I know I am for sure. Cabin fever has set in on me bad. Sport Shows talking fishing has got to me this winter worse than any other. In case the northern guys don't know it get's pretty darn cold here.

We are planning on opening the shop up between March 1 and 10. With the way this weather is now and nothing positive in the near future things will be a little behind from the past couple of years. Usually by mid Feb to the end some fish are moving now we have 4 inches of snow still on ground and from what I saw today at the lake you can only put in at Twinn Knobs, Scotts Creek is completely froze at the ramp. The next 10 days on forecast is showing nothing improving..

This year in the shop we are doing a couple new things that we have actually talked about for some time now. Here they are...

1st We are going to do a weekly drawing. This is only VALID on TACKLE PURCHASES!!! We will take your reciept with your name/phone number on it and at the end of the week we will draw for certain prizes such as baits, shirts, hats, etc..

2nd This is still about drawing. If a customer spends $100.00 or MORE ON TACKLE we will have another drawing for a free 1/2 guide trip for 1 or 2 people.

We VALUE EVERYONE'S BUSINESS very much and appreciate everyone's support in the past years. I really think that these drawings will be a huge hit for our customers. So MAKE SURE you STOP IN and take advantage of these drawings.

Watch our website/message board because we annouce our opening day on here and we might just have a special deal that we are putting on just for the opening day so MAKE SURE YOU WATCH FOR THAT!!! We have 2 different spring packages we are running so take advantage of one those