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Thread: Musky Mahem Shoot

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Musky Mahem Shoot


    Do you know when and if the video will be available for purchase with your outing with the Musky Mayhem crew? From what I remember it was a pretty good outing.

  2. #2


    I've seen the DVD and it's a great teaching video with some really cool figure eight fish. The DVD is called "Focus on the Eight's". Only one of the fish we caught is on there but there is some other footage from our shoot. We only took a day and a half to film but it was enough to show how to lose and catch fish along with some instructional stuff. The one we did catch in this DVD is a 47 inch fish. We caught four fish but only one in the figure eight. The rest of the footage will be used in future DVD's.

    The DVD will be available at the Harper College show and probably all stores from there on out or on the Musky Mayhem website.
    Ty Sennett Muskie Fishing Guide Service
    & Sennett Musky Tackle Company
    8914 N. Conner Lane
    Hayward, WI 54843
    Land Phone: 715-462-9403
    Cell Phone: 612-839-1227
    Web Site: http://www.tysennett.com

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Hey everone don't watch all the Star Wars movies Darth Vador is Lukes father.

    In Marley and Me the dog dies at the end.

    Indiana Jones is named after the dog.

    In Lord of the Rings that stupid elf destroys the ring.

    On Golden Pond the kid catches Walter in the cove right in front of the cabin.

    Do I need to go on!

    Way to spoil the whole video for me now that you gave away the ending!!! You know I would have seen the one clip then watched the whole video waiting to see more of my fishing HERO.

    Are you sure it wasn't 50". I know if you never put it on a bump board while on camera then have the camera man only show views of the fish really close up you can catch a lot of 50" fish. Maybe measure it with some yarn then measure it later. That seems to work also.

    Still will buy the video,

  4. #4


    Ray, I don't mean to ruin it for you but you do know that there is no real story in these videos or actors right? When we catch a fish we actually do catch a fish unlike when they hook that shark in the movie JAWS. That fish is a mechanical one.

    I'm sorry I ruined it for you Ray. My bad.
    Ty Sennett Muskie Fishing Guide Service
    & Sennett Musky Tackle Company
    8914 N. Conner Lane
    Hayward, WI 54843
    Land Phone: 715-462-9403
    Cell Phone: 612-839-1227
    Web Site: http://www.tysennett.com

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Pequot Lakes, MN


    The RedFin guys put out some good videos. Good to see Ty getting a little stardom in the latest one too! Focus on the 8 has been a big hit so far. If you're still looking, I've got it in stock at Musky Tackle Online.


    As well as Fish n Hunt Video Outlet.


    For the best prices and quickest shipping on musky tackle, visit Musky Tackle Online!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I have a great idea for the sequel to Figure 8 Muskies.

    In the sequel you are fishing next to Wiener Island and you see a ghostly figure on shore. So you go over to find the ghost of Louie Spray. If you don't like the idea of Louie we can go with Tupac. Whoever it is he goes on to tell you he is a long lost relative of yours. Because of this he tells you where the next world record muskie will come from. With this info you should take Ray and Fidler out to catch it because they are obviously two of the best muskie fisherman around. Plus with their names in the video it will appeal to all the ladies out there. Thus making this the best selling muskie video ever!

    We can name this video "The Big O". This would be a great sequel to Figure 8 Muskies because instead of using an 8 we will catch the world record in a big Figure O instead. We will discuss that with a fish as big as this we can't use an 8 because the fish just can't turn that fast. So we have to do an O instead.

    If you were to come out with a new lure that we catch this fish you would be able to sell a ton of them at next years shows.

    We could even throw in a few smaller 45" to 53" muskies to ad some length to the video.


  7. #7


    Ray, you could star in and direct next years DVD. I'm looking forward to it.

    Actually I am contemplating doing a DVD next year of my own but don't know if it is economically a strong decision due to the amount of guide trips I would loose out on.
    Ty Sennett Muskie Fishing Guide Service
    & Sennett Musky Tackle Company
    8914 N. Conner Lane
    Hayward, WI 54843
    Land Phone: 715-462-9403
    Cell Phone: 612-839-1227
    Web Site: http://www.tysennett.com

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Green Bay, WI


    About time Sennett! Your very own DVD. I am sure Razor will buy at least 20% of your stock. Ok, here is my idea… We can run with the Big O dvd, but we need to work on the script some more. Ty, I think in the sequel you find out the ghost of Louis is your grandfather and then after you find that info out, you go to Wiener Island, take some mushrooms only to find out Bob Mesikomer is your real father. Wow, this is getting good. Now we just need to throw in Tupac and some Wu-Tang clan into the mix and I think we have a damn good thing going! Huh, with a storyline revolving around that we wouldn’t even have to shoot any muskie fishing. Anyway, let me know when you need a producer and I can sign on.

    All jokes aside…

    Merry Christmas all and Happy New Year


  9. #9


    Oh man that is a creepy story line.
    Ty Sennett Muskie Fishing Guide Service
    & Sennett Musky Tackle Company
    8914 N. Conner Lane
    Hayward, WI 54843
    Land Phone: 715-462-9403
    Cell Phone: 612-839-1227
    Web Site: http://www.tysennett.com

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Ty if you were going to make a musky video and do it the right way you may not lose out on anything.

    Look at it this way. Come out with a video called something like "In the Year of a Musky Guide". Then produce a video of you guiding throughout the year. Giving tips that you have learned throughout the years on the water to your clients.

    Fidler and I have you booked for 2 days in September and would be willing to be in the video, while still paying your full guiding rate. I'm sure some of your other long time clients would love the chance to be in a video also.

    I have never filmed a musky video before so maybe this wouldn't work. Such things as enough room for you, clients, and camera crew may make it difficult. I know you always have your clients fish the front of the boat, but I would be willing to fish the back to give you the spotlight.

    Just a thought that might be a win win for both you and your clients.

    Have a Happy New Year!

  11. #11


    Actually that sounds like a good idea Ray. I would never take the front of the boat away from you though Ray. You remind me of Leonardo hanging off the front of the Titanic.

    Good idea Ray. I'll see if it works.
    Ty Sennett Muskie Fishing Guide Service
    & Sennett Musky Tackle Company
    8914 N. Conner Lane
    Hayward, WI 54843
    Land Phone: 715-462-9403
    Cell Phone: 612-839-1227
    Web Site: http://www.tysennett.com

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Yeah, I think Ray has a splendid idea ! Way to be, Ray, good man. I have no intention of stealing Ray's thunder or steppin' on his toes, but....

    Ty, you can take me out with the filming crew. I'll pay and even buy lunch or bring spam for shore lunch if you wanna'. Or peanut butter n jam sandwiches. Whatever. The crucial point is: in about a 20 second film byte, I can and WILL adequately demonstrate ALL the wrong things to do in just a cast or two. You can narrate them all and just shake your head at how inept an angler can be, as you well know. The down side is, I am soooo camera bad. You know, I look like a bum and I have the worst video voice of all time. Plus I'd forget my script line (s). But, I might be a lotta' fun.

    Now, it'd be a way, way cold day in...ahhhh...anti-heaven, should a muskie fish actually strike at a lure I might accidentally fling in said fish's direction, so think of the instructional value associated with the resulting hook set or lack thereof ! What a teaching tool ! Exhibit D, or whichever miscue down the line it was, or could be.

    Ponder this and let me know what ya' think. Porbably don't need to ponder much longer than a heartbeat or so.

  13. #13


    Very cool! I will have that DVD! Sounds like you Brad had a blast! Can't wait to see it!

  14. #14


    Ahh Robert..........your posts are always fun to read. Maybe that's what we need is a camera on you. Plus, you and I are the same size so we make fish look big.
    Ty Sennett Muskie Fishing Guide Service
    & Sennett Musky Tackle Company
    8914 N. Conner Lane
    Hayward, WI 54843
    Land Phone: 715-462-9403
    Cell Phone: 612-839-1227
    Web Site: http://www.tysennett.com

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default filming

    this DVD guide trip sounds like a winner.

    I think you need to get a retired teacher filming the trip. Maybe then have his other hand making baits at the same time. Don't have to hire a professional and get baits made at the same time. Win win.

    Then get a slot machine for the film crew to play in between spots.... win win win


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