Yes, this has been a very unusual November. But, we had period of very similar weather last year. Last year the water dropping gradually, right on schedule, and fishing was good, until a major weather change. Last year got messed up when a huge front came through with two days of 30+ mph winds (I'm not exaggerating), then was followed by 10-12 days of very warm and calm weather. During that warm spell the water temps actually increased few degree to about 45F, up from about 42F at the end of Oct. During that warm stretch the fishing was really slow. Then, cold weather came back with a vengeance and it was so cold that the lake was mostly iced up by Thanksgiving. The cold weather made for some brutal fishing conditions, but the fishing improved dramatically. Unfortunately, it was so cold it didn't last long. There's a front coming this weekend, followed by cold weather. I hope the cold revs up the fishing like it did last year. Mille Lacs will be open until musky season closes Dec. 1. I see no reason to suffer through the cold for mediocre fish, so I'll be on Mille Lacs trying for a fifty pounder until it's frozen or the season closes, whichever comes first.