I have been trapping bait for ice fishing season for a few years. I used to let the largest chubs (7-8 inchers) go, until last year on the ice i watched my buddy catch 3 huge walleyes on the same 8 inch chub and the chub was still lively as ever! Towards the end of summer when the river was higher than ever after all that rain I had a trap full of Darters, which was a first for me. I had never caught a Darter in a trap before and have not seen them in that little run since the water receded. It was only 100 feet or so up the run from the river. Man oh man Red, you are not kidding when you say BIG chubs!! I saw you and another guy in your boat earlier in the year tossing out a HUGE chub that looked to be a 20 incher or so!! I had never seen anyone use bait that big before.