Eagle River Chain... welcome to summer in September, water temps are steady in the low 70's. Longer, cool nights allow water temps to stay fairly steady with this prolonged warm spell we're currently enjoying. Catfish and Cranberry lakes on the ER Chain have been the "go to" lakes lately. Little bit of all baits working but I've been having fun with surface baits lately. Chartruese and black/orange seem to be consistantly producing colors. Baits with black stripes also seem to always do well. The fish are showing signs of fattening up for winter, a usual occurance in the fall, even smaller fish are very "chubby" and seem shorter than they really are and the bigger fish display that trademark "muscled" back. Hard not to think "steroids" when handling one of those filled out, heavy fish...

I'm guessing we're going to have some pretty good muskie fishing area wide this fall... just got that feeling with the cooler than normal summer, current warm spell, and winter (ugh) fast approaching.

Good fishing to everyone this week...