I have been waiting and get ready for my trip at Witch bay, for about four or five months now, it was worth the wait. My dad, Ma, and I had a great trip, Steve, and Gail, Mike, brad, laura, wayne, dick, and Russ were absolutely wonderful. With Dick, in an hours time i caught a 19,20,21,22,23, and 24and a half inch Walleye, good times. I was with Wayne three days, we had a great time, one day we caught 47 Perch between 9,-12, inches, good times.I only got an afternoon with Russ, but it was worth every second, ilearned so much from all the Guides, but especially Russ. We caught some nice pike, and i had a big muskie on for about 15 minutes, the hook ripped out, watta fight cant wait to do that again, good times.My dad caught a trophy Pike, my Ma had some big fish on, never seen them. We are already booked for next year,August 28th, for 8 days, see yall then!!!!!!!!