Labor Day weekend in the northwoods and we're fishing everyday of it, it's early in the morning and thought I'd shoot out a quick report...

Water temps running 66-68 with a good algae or "lake bloom" going on the ER Chain and a few other area lakes. The "pea soup" water isn't a big deal to fish and it IS NOT "turnover". Biggest change in fish behavior I see is the fish are willing to hit baits boatside much more frequently... almost everytime as a matter of fact. The murky water is more cover for the muskies if anything. Boy, they've been just coming out of nowhere to blast stuff right in front of you. Great for the ol' "O-Crap-O-Meter".

Jerk baits have been giving results along with the usual bucktails and surface baits early n late. Been working weeds, weeds, and weeds... 3-7 foot range.

Looks like a great weekend weather-wise, get out there, enjoy, catch a muskie...