Water temps running 71-72 through-out the ER Chain. With warmer weather lately a "lake bloom" has begun on the Chain, turning waters a pea soup color, not to worry, it's basically just an algae bloom, it happens every year with extended warm water and sunlight periods. Muskie action has been good on the Chain, a 39 inch fish was taken last night in our Eagle River Chain Tuesday Muskie League. Some fisher-people don't like the lake bloom periods but really it's not hard to deal with. Color and vibration are key when working "pea soup" water. These conditions usually result in many boatside or figure 8 hits from muskie, the murky water is actually another form of cover and they use it, coming in closer than they might usually under clearer water conditions. Bait colors worth trying are chartruese, orange, white, black, or yellow... on bucktails, surface baits, and even minnow/crank baits now.