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Thread: 8/8 Mohawksin results with Gary Wolf

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default 8/8 Mohawksin results with Gary Wolf

    8/8 Mohawksin outing with Gary Wolf.

    2 keeper walleyes, 1- 17 inch largemouth, 2 northern's, 1- 24 inch & a chunky 27 incher and 8 nice size crappies. All but the crappies were caught on homemade one piece multi lure rigs using fresh tuna strips. Crappies came on a minnow tipped with a little pinky 2 ft under a pencil bobber along the edge of some reeds. Muskies were a no show, but we did see someone land a pretty nice looking one along the western shore adjacent to Bradley point. Hard to tell the exact size, but we both guessed it to be around 40-45 inches. No problem with bullheads this trip.

    Not so bad of an outing. The weather cooperated nicely. Got to see a couple of Gary's hot spots.

    How did everyone else do?

    I don't always drink beer,
    But when I do.....
    I prefer Red White and Blue

    Stay thirsty my friends.
    Blind Robin

  2. #2

    Default not so good.

    Blind Robin, you had more luck then I had. Was out on the 7th and 8th with very little action. After spending 3 hours each morning chasing walleyes and not getting a legal we swicthed to panfishing. Was able to get some Gills to use as bait to go after some dog fish. Only landed 3 Dogs each day. All the fish of avg. size (around 8 lbs. each). The record is safe for at least a week. 4 of the dogs came on raw shrimp and the others came on the chunk Gills. I hope the fishing is better this upcoming weekend. I have some buddies coming up and would like to chase some skis and eyes along with our quest of breaking the Dogfish record. Good luck and tight lines.

    P.S. Kenny said give Blatz a try.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Blatz?


    I can't take credit for any of the success that we had that day, It was all Gary. I tell ya, I've never seen another person consistently produce fish like that guy does. His fishing techniques are very unconventional and I credit a lot of his success to that. You won't find many people using the same presentations along with unique tackle & baits as him. If you ever run into him on the lake, before you leave, make sure that you ask him what kind of bait or lures that he's fishing with at the moment and I'll guarantee that you'll be glad you did.

    And, no offence intended, but you can tell your brother that he can keep his Blatz along with his dogfish. I have no use for either one of them. Dogfish are slimy trash fish that piss me off when I catch them. I'd rather catch real trash like an old boot or a plastic bucket then catch one of those toothy, greasy, ugly nuisance fish. In my opinion, they're right up there with carp. You guys can have em.

    I guess I'd take a Blatz over a dogfish. But in the world of beer, I can't think of too many beers that I would rank below Blatz. For the life of me, I don't know why anyone would spend a dime on that swill. Why not just have a tap line installed on their septic tank? Taste the same, wouldn't you think? I'd say more degrading things about Blatz, but I don't want to insult your brother (who I'm sure is a fine gentleman) or any other Blatz drinkers out there.

    Anyhow, good luck to you guys who chase dogfish up here. I personally hope that you catch em all, and eat em all. Actually, it would probably be a good thing if more folks took an interest in fishing for them and eating them. Cause right now, I don't imagine that they are under much fishing pressure at all and that is why you guys are all reporting seeing all these big dogfish. You dogfish guys should think about maybe doing a tournament on Mohawksin? You could probably count on Blatz to sponsor the thing.

    I don't always drink beer,
    But when I do.....
    I prefer Red White and Blue.

    Stay thirsty my friends.
    Blind Robin

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Too funny, Blind Robin and you announce the fact that you drink Red, White and Blue???


  5. #5

    Default Blatz, a little tough on them.

    Blind Robin, what did a Blatz or Dogfish ever do to you. Just because Blatz goes for more than $6 a 12 pack(while RWB is the only beer still under$5) does not give you the right to trash it. Not my favorite either but after 3 I'm good with it.

    Try saving up a few $$$ and try a good beer like Dogfish Head Brewed Ales. I was going to send you a recipe for beer battered dogfish but I don't think it would work with that watered down liquid you call a beer.

    Attached I have some pics I thought you would enjoy!!! Both are some Mohawksin Dogfish caught by Kenny and his woman Marci. Below is a recipe that you can use and wash it down with that watered down piss you call a beer. Please don't trash this recipe until you try it.

    Kenny's Pickled Dogfish
    Blind Robin, here is the secret recipe for which security clearance is needed.
    • Cut the doggie into small 2"x"3 squares and put into a canning jar.
    • Soak overnight in a 50-50 solution of water and distilled vinegar.
    • Drain and place in a boiling water solution of 3 cups vinegar and 1 cup water.
    • Add cloves, allspice, mustard seed or pickling spice, salt and pepper, and maybe a slice of lemon.
    • Boil the fish until done. Save the liquid.
    • Place the fish pieces in a jar and cover with sliced or diced onions.
    • Pour the boiling solution into the jar and seal.
    It will be good for a couple of months. Enjoy!
    And please don't wash it down with that watered down piss water you call a beer. Tight Lines
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Marcy Dogfish June 09.jpg 
Views:	205 
Size:	64.6 KB 
ID:	6426   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Kenny July 09 dogfish.jpg 
Views:	214 
Size:	109.0 KB 
ID:	6427  

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Bowfin Barf

    Well, Lucas, you've gone and done it now. You made me vomit up in my mouth while reading your brother's dogfish recipe. I'm not criticizing it, as I'm sure that it's a fine recipe for you folks that eat dogfish. Oops, I just threw up again. It's just a physical reaction that I cannot avoid having whenever I think about people eating dogfish. I've got to imagine that it would go good with a side of some cooked 3 month old compost and an entree of worm stuffed possum basted with some freshly squeezed juices of horse manure.

    Thank you for the recipe, though. However, I don't believe that there is a sitsuation or recipe on the face of the Earth that could entice me into eating dogfish. The exception being near death starvation. Even then, I'm not convinced that I'd be able to swallow it. Oops, there I go again. And thank you for sharing those dogfish trophy pictures. Your brother's wife looks to be very, um, pleased with her catch? Probably very thankful that she wasn't going to have to eat steak or something else now that she's got a dogfish, eh?

    As for how I feel about Red White and Blue.......well, it really doesn't need to be defended by me. RWB is a proud, high quality American beer regardless of its price. RWB has a rich history and has represented our country as one of only a handful of beers to be served at every military USO event around the world. If it's good enough for our solders, it's good enough for me.

    To each there own I say and I'm actually glad that there are folks that like to fish for and eat dogfish.
    In all seriousness, I wish the very best of luck to you dogfish anglers. Go get em!!!!!

    I don't always drink beer,
    But when I do......
    I prefer Red White and Blue!!!!!

    Stay thirsty my friends.
    Blind Robin

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Benson View Post
    Too funny, Blind Robin and you announce the fact that you drink Red, White and Blue???

    That's a nice lookin' smallie you're holding there, Mark. How big and where/when did you get it?

    Yeah, I drink RWB and like it. Guess it doesn't really stand out as a preferred beer with most folks. So I do see the comedic irony with my comments about Blatz.

    I take it you're a Blatz drinker?

    I don't always drink beer,
    But when I do.....
    I prefer Red White and Blue.

    Stay thirsty my friends.
    Blind Robin

  8. #8


    Hi Lucas.

    Thank you for posting another good looking bowfin recipe. I've never had it pickled before. I've had pickled sucker before and it was very good. Almost as good as pickled herring, but the meat is a little bit firmer on a sucker. Can't wait to try it.

    I'm not a beer drinker, so I'll stay out of the Blatz vs RWB battle here. But, you know where I stand with regards to bowfin fishing. All I'll say is, that this attitude about bowfin being a "trash" fish is all too common. And I'm not really sure why that is the case. I guess that some people just don't know how to appreciate the finer things in life.

    That's a couple of nice looking dogfish pic's! Congratulations to Marci!

  9. #9

    Default Fellow Bowfin hunter

    Silverspring, thanks for the good words. It kills me when I hear people trash people who fish for and eat dogfish. I'M SURE BATMAN'S BLIND SIDEKICK HAS NOT EVEN GIVEN IT A TRY, yet he takes shoots at it. At least I can say I've tried RWB, and I can tell you I'd rather drink warm piss.

    I hope you get the chance to get to fish Mohawksin soon and tie into some of those hard fighting sportfish known as Dogfish. I can tell you that besides Mohawksin having a great population of Bowfin, it also has a record in it. Feel free to send me a private message so I can give you some hot spots, and what baits are working. I hope you catch some soon and get a chance to try the recipe. I'll try and get you some more recipes. Marci is going to try and get Kenny to give me his secret Dogfish Gumbo recipe.

    Silverspring when is the next time you'll be able to chase Dogfish on Mohawksin? I would enjoy showing you around if I'm up at the same time.

    Tight lines and please don't blast it until you try it!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Naperville, IL


    Swamp musky do put up a good fight, but I hate how they ruin lures.

    I guess there are websites for everything.....I figure some of you more dedicated dogfishers might like this

    Last edited by JimL; 08-14-2009 at 10:38 AM.

  11. #11


    Thanks Lucas!

    I'm hoping that I can get there around the end of August. I'll send you a private email and maybe we can make some plans together, if you're there at the same time as me.

  12. #12


    Thanks Jim!

    I'm familiar with that website and it's great, especially good for educating people about bowfin's and why this great sport fish deserves more credit then it receives. There are a few other good sites for bowfin as well. If anyone is interested, I'll post up a link for you just like Jim has.

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