While water temperatures remain cool for this time of year - in the mid-to-high 60's - our muskies have decided to respond. Fishing success has been terrific as trophy fish to 51 inches have been released during the afternoon and evening periods. However, big fish are not the only story as numbers of quality 40 to 46 inch fish have been seen and caught, including muskies with large girths.

Rock points weed-rock combinations are attracting fish...not just one but two or three in the same vicinity. The more complex the rock point, including large submerged boulders, the more likely good fish are present. If a quality fish is raised anglers are going back to them and getting the strike...after letting them rest for an hour or longer.

Afternoon and low light periods have been key. Successful anglers are often approaching a known fish from different angles with either the same lure or a new one and changing the presentation -for example, downsizing to a 7-inch weighted Suick after the fish follows a 9-incher. Bucktails have been important with Double Showgirls, Cowgirls, A-Team bucktails, and Mepps Marabous turning follows into strikers. If a fish follows a large bucktail, don't be afraid to change to a smaller one - or vice-versa.

As previously mentioned weighted Suicks have been hot in both sizes - 9 and 7 inches. S.S. Shads are active and a huge fish in the 52 inch range was lost yesterday with a hookup at boatside.

Topwaters seem to be doing better with Jackpots and other walk-the-dog styles getting strikes as well as the Top Raider tradition. Crankbaits are also working - Cranes and Grandmas as well as plastics, especially Bull Dawgs (which accounted for one of the trophies in the last four days). While color is often talked about, orange bellies are important on the crankbaits.

Weed growth is clearly changed from recent years, due largely to the cold spring and cool water temps of summer...but establishing the deep weed edge is clearly significant...especially on main lake basins...and the presence of submerged large boulders make the spot even sweeter.

The best muskie fishing of the seaon has started. If you have an opportunity to get away give Gail a call and come up for a muskie trip. This is the season when the "big girls" really get active and Witch Bay is the place to be!

Russ Warye