Well were back here in Kansas City after a kick ass week at Cass.
The weather wasn't as bad as the the forecast predicted, but not ideal eather. The week was a tough week of fishing. Rick down at the docks at BOTL told me you took out a client Tues. and got a Ski. Sorry Brian but I cussed ya a little bit under my breath as I had only had 2 follows and then thought that's why your a pro.
Wends, I got 1 more follow and was getting frustrated the fish were not opening there mouths. I changed my game plan Wends night and decided to go for Pike. I figured Musky eat pike all day long so if I put my lure in with the Pike a Musky will hit.....Maybe.....I missed something big but not sure if it was a big Pike or Musky. I kept with that game plan and when Thurs night came I had 1 day left and no Musky %$#@%$##@!.
I reviewed and planned to try a few new spots Friday morning. I woke up Friday and noticed on the water the wind had changed. It was coming out of the NW all week and Friday it was coming out of the SW. Fishing was tough for about 10 mins when a Eagle dove 2 times to swoop up my lure. Freaked me the hell out! I got a follow about 20 Mins later and a bite after that and landed a under 48" Musky that hit my Weagle at 20 MPH broadside and arcked 4 feet out of the water.....it was beautiful. Damn fish should have worn a cape cuz he was like like super fish. LOL.
In the late afternoon the wind was blowing and told the wife to grab the video camera as the fish were moving. On my 2nd cast a big ass Musky missed my weagle after the pause and that was it. The Big rain came in Friday night and we nailed it back to dock. For the week I ended up with 2 Bass, 12 Northens (Biggest was 37") 3 lost fish, 3 follows and 1 Musky (44"). I wish I woulda ran into you, maybe next time. I thought I seen you coming out of BOTL West but wasn't sure. Anyways, we have reservations next year for the 4th of July, keep up the great work. Until next time, may the Musky Gods smile apon you.