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Thread: Top Producers for 2009?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Top Producers for 2009?

    I know there has been a post about colors to use, and I know that we should have all of the basics covered, but do you seem to be having one particular bait stand out over the rest of them. I know the first year we were at your place it was cowgirls and I seemed to raise a lot of fish on a depth raider or and M-9 grandma off rocky points. But are you catching more fish on Cowgirls/Spanky Baits, Crankbaits, or Topwater. When you run a guide trip, what 2 baits are welded to a rod and what is the other bait that you would have some try. Having 3 guys in the boat this year will give us a little experimentation room. Just curious on your input. Can't wait to get there. 19 more days!

    Matt Percival

  2. #2

    Default herbie

    right now will undoubtabley or at least could be quite dif from when you get here as daylight hrs,water color or area(s) fished will be diff. as always we will have you updated when you get here and through the week.
    right now it's a combo of blades (cowgirls,spankys,flashers),jerks (suiks and bobbies),and topwater (docs,weagles,jackpots,topraiders,pacemakers just really starting to produce consistantly in the past week or so)in the weeds and add raiders,gramas,and rubber on the rocks. of couse try anything you have confidence in as muskys are muskys regardless of where.
    Andy Myers Lodge
    Steve Herbeck

    Web Site: http://www.andymyerslodge.com

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    One more question. What are your thoughts on the "Willow Beast" by Bait Rigs. Throwing it much this year and if so with any success? I have thrown one a couple times and it seems to work alright, pulls like a Mac-truck but other than that seems to be alright. I'll quit bugging you now.

    Thanks again,
    Matt Percival

  4. #4

    Default Herbie

    We Started Throwing Big Blades Just Revently About 2 Weeks Ago,flashers And Showgirls Were Working Better As Far As Bites Go.
    The Willow Beast Caught Some Big Fish Protoyping It Last Season And Have Heard From Some Others About Good Sucess This Season In Minn.
    I Just Pulled Mine Out Of The Box Yesterday. Had A Big Fish Lost On One Today .
    They Got Alot Of Flash,plenty Of Vibs And Fluf The Skirts Good With A Bit Diff Sound Than #10's So I Plan On Throwing Them Behind Others.
    Andy Myers Lodge
    Steve Herbeck

    Web Site: http://www.andymyerslodge.com

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