I tried to fish some crappies this morning and even with the weather less than ideal i managed to catch no crappies but 3 bass 14+ inches biggest was 17in they were without eggs i release them all. Don't pass up the pond guys and gals plenty of good fishing to be done in smaller bodies of water but release them if you want bass for dinner go harvest from a big lake were it wont effect the fishing as much you can clean a pond out quick keeping every fish you catch. I fish a pond that is no bigger than 4 acres I kept 4 bass last year 15inches each for lunch i released 3 different fish weight over 4lb in that one pond the biggest 5.5lbs and 23inches my pond fishing rule is i only keep fishing at the limit or a little bigger (example bass 14in-15in) everything else goes back and i have found that im catching the same big fish year after year and they keep getting bigger and bigger go figure right.