From what i am told the fish was indeed caught at Mystyke Lake in Limestone NY, which is a private lake. I guess it is more of a very large pond with a deep spot. In NY state in order for a fish to be considered a record it would have to have been caught at a PUBLIC waterway. It is because of this fact that the fish may not be given the credit as a state record (even though the weight exceeds the old record) because you and i can not just go and fish there. I was told that the guy that caught the fish is a friend of a friend of the owner of the resort and lake and that is why he was able to fish it. This may also explain why the rumor was started that it was caught from Kinzua, just because the owner did not want to have an influx of people trying to gain access one way or another to the private lake?, just an assumption on my part. Either way it is one heck of a fish. I wonder if it grew its whole life in the the same body of water or if they stock their lake with walleye that were caught elsewhere like maybe Lake Erie? These are merely guesses that that i have drawn together and are mostly just hear/say so dont hold me accountable. lol