First off guys i refuse to take offense for anything said. We and i are debating a question that was asked, that's all. Just some fishing guys exploring all the possibilities of the past, present and future. I found this site one day searching for a new fishing site to join. Since Red and everyone is fishing in this area i thought it would be great to join to share AND learn, which i learn more and more each day. I didn't realize until later that most of you guys are all after mainly muskies, which isn't a problem at all since we talk about other fish also. I love living in Tionesta and the Allegheny River is THE place i spend most of my free time. What a great place to live !! Anyhow, just to clarify, i am not just a walleye guy. I fish for muskies, eyes, smallies, steelheads, crappies and sometimes in the hot summer days knocking a few back hitting the cats at night. I'm diversified in my liking. I am in no way knowledgeable as you guys when it comes to these things about what we have been talking about. I spent several hours researching yesterday trying to find out more about this subject of size limits and what skies eat, eyes, eat and how forage is or can be impacted. Trying to get as Red said, educated. I did find that bigger size limits seem to NOT impact the fisheries as long as there is enough forage or junk fish to feed on. Certainly we do have plenty here in this area. There's bait everywhere around here. Depletion of eyes as Toothy mentioned is certainly and absolutely to blame on the eye fisherman. I do and have seen some guys that let them go. There was a post even in here from a gentleman that i watched release that 31" eye one day while i was fishing. I will even admit i keep too many of them, eyes in particular. I do not keep any skies anymore though. All are released. Too easy to take a picture, measure carefully, quickly and watch them swim off. This is getting too long and rambling so i will say to all that i took no offense to anything said and hope no one took offense for what i said. I didn't want to ire anyone. I do understand more about the skies we are after and would agree more with everyone after reading up that ALL fish can live together like they have for eternity in our great Allegheny River. That being said i do like the idea of a slot limit for eyes. That would curtail the big ones from being harvested to replenish the stock. I have also read that some lakes even with a 50" limit on skies has done NOTHING to decimate ANY species whatsoever because of the abundance of the bait fish. With this being said i would have to say i agree with you guys more and more about the size limits for skies and now see that 40" is no big deal at all. I have about faced and should thank you guys for "forcing" me to do some serious research on the aspect. All in all it's US that have to be more responsible in our taking home any fish and truly and honestly thinking before we harvest. The next time i catch that 30" eye you might be surprised at seeing me take my pics and watching her swim away to fight another day. Thx guys, the great thing about getting older, i'm 45 btw, is still learning something new every day. Sorry so long fellas but there was a lot to say. Now when's all this ice going to melt ? I'm having withdrawals already, lol.