I would like to see the size limit increased to 45" muskies and I think over harvest of walleye is one of the top problems with any of the walleye fisheries in PA. (I want to see slot limits for walleye.)

I also think that tournament permits need to be more limited. Three bass tourneys on ONE lake in ONE week is not very productive.

Oh yes, one more thing, if you want to see what toothy is talking about as far as the meat fishermen filling their coolers for many years and then, when the catch rate and size goes way down, they are the first ones to complain that there are no fish, just go and fish Pymatuning and you will see the results of "filling the coolers"

This discussion sounds similar to all the hunters complaining that "there are no deer left, I only saw five deer today, we need to cut down on the doe licenses and season length", but these are the same hunters that just a few years ago would brag about how many "doe tags" they bought and how much meat they have in the freezer.