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Thread: Al Gore.......Pick Up, Line 2.

  1. #1

    Default Al Gore.......Pick Up, Line 2.

    I hate to bring this up again, but we are expecting record lows of 25-30 below tonight, with a very cold week forecast. When are we going to see some of this global warming we were promised.

    Don't know about you, but I'm going to buy every can of hair spray I can find, and spray them all into the atmosphere.
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  2. #2

    Talking Al

    Sure you are not going to use them on something else to help "keep it up"????

  3. #3


    I just look at your picture with the 50 incher.
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    We've had the coldest winter for 30 years according to the weather people the other night. I'd buy a V8 if I could afford to put petrol in it!

  5. #5


    As only Pearson can come up with:

    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  6. #6



    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Do those videos come in an English version for those of us who don't speak Minnesnowtan?
    GO BIG RED!!

  8. #8


    Maybe Google has a translator???
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Long Prairie, MN


    Dick Pearson is my Hero. God help me I am in trouble, eh?

    Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08
    President and ONLY member, Dick Pearson Fan Club
    "We're Just Makin Memories"

  10. #10


    Minus 24 this morning. Did not get above zero yesterday. Snow up the azz. And it's still December. All I can say is Al Gore.......WTF??????
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	snowdeer.jpg 
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    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Yeh,brutal winter for wildlife-and its just starting.Ma Nature can be a cruel bitch.Coyotes already near the house at night trying to get the wildlife sheltering here-or the dogs.
    The good news?Its only -17 here this morning and the wind has dropped to gale force.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Them are big Snow gophers!!!!!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Long Prairie, MN


    Look at the bright side Dick, you won't have to walk as far to shoot them stupid ass critters. Stake a chicken down in your driveway and blast em over morning coffee with Bets!

    Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08
    President and ONLY member, Dick Pearson Fan Club
    "We're Just Makin Memories"

  14. #14


    Here's the current temperatures. Snow up to the bomber doors. I have not seen the skis in days. Dragging the belly pan at least half the time.

    Please, please........Increase your carbon footprint! Instead of a carbon tax, how about a rebate????

    Flag Island -36 °F Clear 6:54 AM CST
    Warroad -26 °F Clear 6:34 AM CST
    Baudette -25 °F Clear 6:53 AM CST
    Roseau -29 °F Clear 6:35 AM CST
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008


    -36f !! That'll put a stop to kids licking lamp posts.

    Why the hell anyone would want to lick a lamp post in the first place beats me though.

    Pretty cold here too. -3 to -10c at night and -1 to 0c in the day, has been for a couple of weeks, way colder than we have had for the last few years. I'm thinking of getting a Grand Cherokee 6cyl to increase my carbon footprint. Anyone recommend them?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008


    -29 degrees in Warroad and I'm sitting watching a Canadian goose out the front window. Must not be able to fly very well or somehow forgot to go south. It flaps it's wings at times and is borrowing down in the snow like a partridge. Pecks at the snow, and seems to be looking for food under 30" of snow. Wonder how it made it this long. Shows you how resilient mother nature makes things in the wild.

    Wish I could figure out a way to give this poor goose a little warm weather.

    Doug Johnson

  17. #17


    Maybe some corn?
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Long Prairie, MN


    Heres how you warm up the goose..........IN YOUR OVEN!!!!!!!! Goose breast is good and someone like Frank probably enjoys Goose Liver patte.

    Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08
    President and ONLY member, Dick Pearson Fan Club
    "We're Just Makin Memories"

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Strange deal on the goose Doug.Had the very same thing here.We went to feed it the next morning and it was gone.Then a couple days later it was on a neighbors slough waddling around on the ice.Now its gone.
    I got,reviewed and signed the Op M By-Laws.Thanks again to your daughter for her great work!I'd send them on to BoZo Wold but don't have his address.
    By the way,why the hell aren't you in Tennessee?If Fishwizard wasn't there, I'd likely head for there myself with this dam weather.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Yep, 64 degrees here yesterday, but it's dropped to 40 today. A bit of a difference from the angle. Saturday I managed to put a mid 30 in the boat, and saw about thirty muskies between me and another guy. About ten minutes after catching my fish, the boat following behind us put a mid 40 in the net in almost exactly the same spot. Doug the fish are stacked up in Bull Run, but lots of lookers. A few four footers thrown in to keep things interesting.


  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Wish I was there right now, but will be next month for a couple of months.

    Yes, the warm water flow in Bull Run can put an amazing number of fish in there. Last year we electro-fished (with the TWRA) there early one day and we collected 11 fish, with two at 47". One time we had five fish come up at the same time, but only collected one as the others recovered before we could net them.

    Surprisingly they can be very hard to catch there. There is so much food available (gizzard shad so thick you could walk on them) that I suspect that they are pretty well fed. I would guess that the ones we get to bite are the fish that just entered the area and still haven't gotten full. You can also go through that area with a shocker and not find a fish, so they aren't always there.

    Electro-fishing for muskies is the way to go. Even better than Double Cow Girls. This year will be Floy tagging all muskies caught. Should be even more interesting.

    Doug Johnson

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Hurry up Doug,they must really be stacked up if certain,ah,fishermen,can catch em.
    Sounds like the guy I'm referring to did catch his personal best though.Congrats on that.

  23. #23


    Just ask, and ye shall receive. it's a balmy zero right now.
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  24. #24


    Another example of how serious the destruction of the ozone layer can be:

    JUNEAU, Alaska – Ted Johnson planned on using a set of logs to a build a cabin in Alaska's interior. Instead he'll burn some of them to stay warm.

    Extreme temperatures — in Johnson's case about 60 below zero — call for extreme measures in a statewide cold snap so frigid that temperatures have grounded planes, disabled cars, frozen water pipes and even canceled several championship cross country ski races.

    Alaskans are accustomed to subzero temperatures but the prolonged conditions have folks wondering what's going on with winter less than a month old.

    National Weather Service meteorologist Andy Brown said high pressure over much of central Alaska has been keeping other weather patterns from moving through. New conditions get pushed north or south while the affected area faces daily extremes.

    "When it first started almost two weeks ago, it wasn't anything abnormal," Brown said. "About once or twice every year, we get a good cold snap. But, in this case, you can call this an extreme event. This is rare. It doesn't happen every year."

    Temperatures sit well below zero in the state's various regions, often without a wisp of wind pushing down the mercury further.

    Johnson lives in Stevens Village, where residents have endured close to two weeks of temperatures pushing 60 below zero.

    The cold has kept planes grounded, Johnson said. Food and fuel aren't coming in and they're starting to run low in the village, about 90 miles northwest of Fairbanks.

    Johnson, whose home has no heater or running water, said he ventures outside only to get more logs for burning and to fetch water from a community facility. He's been saving the wood to build a cabin as a second home, but that will have to wait a few years now because the heat takes precedence.

    "I've never seen it this cold for this long," he said. "I remember it 70 below one time, but not for a week and a half."

    In Anchorage, Alaska's largest city, residents are used to lows of about 10-degree temperatures in January — not 19 below zero, which is what folks awoke to Wednesday morning.

    Temperatures finally settled to about 10 below at midday, but that was cold enough to cancel races in the U.S. Cross Country Ski Championships.

    Skiers won't compete unless it's warmer than 4 below zero, but the numbers have ranged between 10 below and 15 below.

    That has led to four days of canceled or postponed competition with organizers hoping to get a set of races under way on Thursday, the event's final day.

    Meanwhile, in Juneau, the state's capital is enjoying balmy weather by comparison with lows in the single digits.
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Gee,sure wish Al was here right now.Snow,extreme winds,visibility about 40 yds,a true blizzard.Again.
    Oops,forgot to mention the temp is dropping like a weighted Cowgirl.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Another thing,hope ol Al has been watching the public TV documentary on India.Fascinating series-especially the 'history'of 'climate change'altering civilizations in the distant past.Without aerosal sprays etc.Go figure.

  27. #27


    Now he has help from the other two stooges:

    Change we can all believe in? How about the same song and dance, but just a different day?

    In opening remarks at her confirmation hearing on Jan. 13, President-elect Barack Obama’s Secretary of State designate Hillary Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations committee she would use the office to shape foreign policy that would fight climate change

    “You Mr. Chairman [Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.] were among the very first in a growing chorus from both parties to recognize that climate change is an unambiguous security threat,” Clinton said. “At the extreme it threatens our very existence. But well before that point, it could well incite new wars of an old kind over basic resources – like food, water and arable land.”

    According to Clinton, the upcoming 2009 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference in Copenhagen will be the stage for the next opportunity for the United States to ratify a climate change treaty like the Kyoto Protocol, which was rejected by the U.S. Senate 95-0 in 1997.

    “President-elect Obama has said America must be a leader in developing and implementing a global and coordinated response to climate change,” Clinton said. “We will participate in the upcoming Copenhagen climate conference and a global energy forum. And we’ll pursue an energy policy that reduces our carbon emissions while reducing our dependence on foreign oil and gas, fighting climate change and enhancing our economic and energy security.”

    Many in the media have long pointed to the Copenhagen conference as the next best chance for an international treaty like Kyoto to be ratified by the U.S. government. Andrew Revkin, the climate reporter for The New York Times, noted this on the Times Dot Earth blog in late 2007.

    “So the 100-year march trying to accelerate the decarbonization of energy systems has made another step along the road,” Revkin wrote. “The next big step will come in Copenhagen precisely two years from now. Will there be a Copenhagen Protocol? Who will be the president will shape the United States position, and — more important — actions?”

    Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., the incoming chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, also used the hearing to promote the issue of global warming activism. He called it a “national security threat.”

    “Before turning to Sen. Lugar, let me just say one thing about global climate change,” Kerry said. “Many today do not see global climate change as a national security threat, but it is – profoundly so.”

    Kerry urged Clinton to be proactive in pursuing a climate change treaty with the upcoming conference in December.

    “And the consequences of our inaction grow more serious by the day,” Kerry said. “In Copenhagen this December, we have a chance to forge a treaty that will profoundly affect the conditions of life on our planet itself. The resounding message from the recent climate change conference in Poland was that the global community is looking overwhelmingly to our leadership.”

    Kerry also offered a peek into what his Senate chairmanship would have in store when it comes to dealing with this issue.

    “This committee will be deeply involved in crafting a solution that the world can agree to and that the Senate can ratify,” Kerry continued. “And as we proceed the lesson of Kyoto must remain clear in our minds – all countries must be part of that solution.”

    In February 2008, Kerry blamed a series of thunderstorms that killed at 50 people throughout the Southeastern United States on global warming and warned there would be more to come if global warming weren’t addressed.
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  28. #28


    Says it All..............
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    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  29. #29


    February 16, 2008
    Arctic Sea Ice Sees 'Significant Increase' in Size Following 'Extreme Cold'
    Thomas Lifson
    The ultraliberal CBC reports a truth that is mighty inconvenient for Al Gore.

    There's an upside to the extreme cold temperatures northern Canadians have endured in the last few weeks: scientists say it's been helping winter sea ice grow across the Arctic, where the ice shrank to record-low levels last year. Temperatures have stayed well in the -30s C and -40s C range since late January throughout the North, with the mercury dipping past -50 C in some areas. Satellite images are showing that the cold spell is helping the sea ice expand in coverage by about 2 million square kilometres, compared to the average winter coverage in the previous three years. "It's nice to know that the ice is recovering," Josefino Comiso, a senior research scientist with the Cryospheric Sciences Branch of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland, told CBC News on Thursday. [...] Winter sea ice could keep expanding. The cold is also making the ice thicker in some areas, compared to recorded thicknesses last year, Lagnis added. "The ice is about 10 to 20 centimetres thicker than last year, so that's a significant increase," he said. If temperatures remain cold this winter, Langis said winter sea ice coverage will continue to expand.

    Will somebody please tell all the schoolchildren frightened by nightmares of drowning polar bears that Al Gore unnecessarily scared them?

    Frank, If I had a Guinness in my hand right now I would say something clever like “Brilliant!”

  30. #30


    Hopefully you would have two and share.
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  31. #31


    Well, my thermometer must have broke. This morning it's 21, but the minus sign no longer shows. What gives?

    Think I'll only run one bomber today. Must have eroded the ozone layer this week running two of them at the same time.
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Hmmm,mine says 19 and no minus either.Must be the muskie gods.

    Of course,they did dump more snow and wind on us yesterday and last nite so...

  33. #33


    Fairbanks — Al Gore can thank the Nobel Committee for honoring him with the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.

    He can also thank Fairbanks businessman Craig Compeau for what could be the farthest-north likeness of the former vice president: A 5-ton ice sculpture of a “shivering” Gore, created during a recent spell of bitterly cold weather in Alaska and aimed at confronting global-warming theories.

    Compeau described himself as a moderate skeptic of those who “rabidly” believe man-made emissions are contributing to a rise in global temperatures. Gore won his Nobel for raising awareness of global warming as one of the greatest challenges facing mankind.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	L19Compeau01_t180.jpg 
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    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  34. #34


    Al Gore was right. 26 below yesterday morning. 39 above as we speak. I'm parking the sled and walking the rest of the week.
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

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