
I don't think that Mapping Specialists does maps on cards, but they do make great maps on paper.

IMHO either Lakemaster or Navionics are the two chips to look into. This summer while at Mille Lacs, I bought the Navionics for my LMS480 and a friend brought his unit (H2O) loaded with a borrowed chip from Lakemaster. I bought the Navionics ($145) figuring for the extra $$$ I could get maps for the entire Midwest. Lakemaster ($100) is based by lake or state. Using them side by side was fantastic.

The good and bad of both that I could tell. The Navionics chip has great detail, but takes some time reload when you zoom in or out. On my smaller screen (though I don't know this) it is difficult to read, though once you get close to structure, you can see that the topo lines are closer together and a shadow becomes evident where structure is. Maybe I can change the color of the topo lines and make that easier to see (just thought of that). The Lakemaster moves faster and you can get in closer to the spot. I can see why people have both, but use the Lakemaster more often. The Lakemaster we ran at Mille Lacs was on an H2O and worked great. Good luck!!!
